The Heartmeter ♥ Meme

Jul 11, 2011 13:56

Shamelessly copy and pasted from the last one since it was super pretty looking to begin with

Welcome to the HEARTMETER meme! This meme is for everyone to get their love on. (Or their death wishes, I guess, BUT YOU GET THE POINT.)

Here's how we play:
❤ Comment as your character.
❤ Reply to other characters. 
❤ Use the heart meter below to show them how you feel! Only honest feelings are allowed!
❤ Respond to everyone who responds to you.

"I would kill you."

"I would physically or emotionally hurt you."

"I would like to get to know you better."

"I would spend time/have fun/be friends with you."

"I would rescue you/fight by your side."

"I would hug you or hold your hand."

"I would kiss you."

"I would date you."

"I would have sex with you."

"I would fall in love with you."

Since the heart colors were not working I changed
everything to symbols instead so we don't have a sea
of hatey black hearts
sorry for the trouble!


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