[Lurking on top of a door was one (1) cat (kitten). He wasn't so much lurking, per se, as just sitting there. And by sitting, one means 'clinging on for dear life
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[She can act a lot on instincts, though, as she doesn't really like to be nagged by either Chinacat or Catnam. So yeah, she's now on top of the nearest shelf, trying to not fall off it.]
Miao miao! (Just some catnaps ago, so I'm new here!)
[But he had just mastered the door! And it was... moveable. Oh yeah. After a few more moments, he was leaping onto the shelf. ...thankfully his aim wasn't so horrible he missed completely. Just a bit.]
Mrrmeow mow mow? (What kind of weird place steals people and kitties? It sounds like science fiction.)
Miao! (Heeeeeey!)
Mrow? (When did you get here?)
Miao miao! (Just some catnaps ago, so I'm new here!)
Mrrrl. (...where is 'here', anyway?)
Miaomiao miao! (I don't exactly know! This place steals people and cats and kitties, that's what Francecat told me...)
Mrrmeow mow mow? (What kind of weird place steals people and kitties? It sounds like science fiction.)
Miao miao! (Like my girl's TV series, I'd say! But I don't know. Nobody does!)
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