/cue Indiana Jones music

Apr 01, 2010 13:24

[You wake up in HQ and what the hell, this isn't where you fell asleep! You wake up in a seemingly random, ancient temple. What do you do? Explore? Try to escape? Look for ancient Mayan treasure~? Either way, be careful, citizens of HQ! The entire place is rigged with traps as Spain here is about to demonstrate:]

[Okay, he was used to winding up strange rooms but most of those times, it was his fault for wandering into them-- He didn't expect to just wake up here. Not that he minds, this type of place gets his explorer spirit running and he begins to explore. Turning a corner, he steps on a stone that lets out an ominous click. Before he can even wonder what happened, arrows begin to shoot out from the walls and he hits the floor hard and fast to dodge.]

A-aye. . .


ooc: It's "room" with a bunch of random traps. there's ancient (cursed) treasure and an exit somewhere-- which one you're out to find is up to you but be warned! You'll have to surive all of the traps to get to them. Think stereotypical, Indiana Jones traps-- stepping on rocks and tiles make arrows shoot out, the floor fall in, walls move closer, poisonous snakes spontaneously show up, boulders begin to roll after you, etc~~~


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