No idea how well this is going to go. Humor me plz. OTL

Dec 21, 2009 19:09

[England stumbles in backwards through a door, as if he was arguing with someone.]

No, Antonio, I told you, I-...! H-huh...?

[He freezes, having suddenly taken notice of his changed surroundings with an alarmed look on his face and starts fiddling nervously with the rosary he's carrying.]

Where... A-Antonio?

[He'd actually be greatful to ( Read more... )


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star_australis December 22 2009, 00:32:09 UTC
[ Sees England, and realizes he's one she hasn't met before, he's too young. But he seems...frightened? Can't help but walk towards him. ]

Sir? 'Re ya a'ight?


rosatudoris December 22 2009, 00:42:51 UTC
[He glances up as he stops coughing, looking at the woman Dear Lord, she needs to put more clothes on more confused than anything. Was she...speaking English...? It sounded like it but...not. And he hadn't quite caught what she'd said. He slides a couple of the rosary beads against his hand with his thumb, glancing off to the side so as to avoid her rather...indecent (in his eyes) manner of dress.]

E-er, I apologize, but...I didn't quite understand what you said...


star_australis December 22 2009, 00:48:43 UTC
[ Guesses what's wrong, so she zips up her jacket almost to the very top. She's still staring at you with a worried expression though, and puts a hopefully soothing hand on his back. ]

My apologies, sir. I was just asking if you're alright. [ It might've been a bit slower than what she said before, trying to keep her accent from confusing him. ]


rosatudoris December 22 2009, 00:55:14 UTC
[He pulls away as soon as her hand touches him, almost even a bit before, giving her a somewhat wary, somewhat scornful look. He doesn't answer with words, but he looks her over, eyes shifting nervously as if trying to figure her out. Who was this woman, and what did she want? I-If it was what he thought, he certainly didn't want it... And if not, then what was she trying to befriend him for? Really, though, his thoughts weren't anything personal...]


star_australis December 22 2009, 01:03:03 UTC
[ Lets her hand fall back by her side, almost looking hurt. ]

I assure you, I'm simply concerned about your well being, England. Nothing more.


rosatudoris December 22 2009, 01:30:29 UTC
...!! [His eyes widen with suspicion as she calls his name and he takes another step back.] W-who are you? I don't know you, I've never seen you before. What do you want...?


star_australis December 22 2009, 02:06:08 UTC
...This may sound insane, but what year do you believe it is?

Answer me that, and I can answer your questions better.


rosatudoris December 22 2009, 02:41:47 UTC
[He pauses, staring at her with a look of distrust. How would that help...? Though, it's not as if she can do any harm with that information, so...] I-it's the Year of Our Lord one-thousand five-hundred and fifty eight...


star_australis December 22 2009, 02:48:49 UTC
1558? [ She thinks, trying to remember something that could make him like this...wait, wasn't Bloody Mary queen then? ]

...My name is Alice F. Jones, the former nation of the Confederate States of America. This place, HQ, takes people from their own placee and time, and brings them here. You are in the year 2009 now. I'm from after your time, 1860, to be exact.

Did you have anymore questions for me? [ She can't remember if her identity was the only one or not. ]


rosatudoris December 22 2009, 03:14:46 UTC
[Good for her, knowing a small five-year time span. |D He stares at her blankly as she rambles, not the accent getting him this time, but the words themselves. The...what? Con...federate States? Of where? HQ, what did that mean? And it what...? And she thinks it's when?! ...He just kind of continues to give her this blank stare, brows furrowed upwards in worry as he fumbles rosary beads through his fingers. Though it's hard to tell if that worry is directed at her or himself...]

P-pardon me...?


star_australis December 22 2009, 03:19:17 UTC
[ Well, she was kinda called 'Bloody' for a reason. ]

I'm sorry. Let me try again. This is no longer 1558, it is 2009. This place is called Head Quarters, and my name is Alice.


rosatudoris December 22 2009, 03:29:15 UTC
[Give or take. 300 during her reign vs. thousands in Holland? Did she really deserve that title? *iamatotaltudorfagjustshutmeupnowotl*]


[At least this time he clearly heard what she said, but it's still not computing. After all, what reason does he have to trust this strange girl, especially with her telling him such strange tales. What does she mean, it's no longer 1558? That's...impossible! Then again, he did suddenly appear here unexpectedly... but he's still not sure. He glances off again, taking another slight step backwards. He's really debating now whether or not he wants to stay and converse with this...Alice, did she say? Was she claiming to be a Nation? One he'd never heard of? Though it made her story make sense, it gave him all the more reason to distrust her just because of how utterly...rediculous he found it. And, well, not to take this personally, but she is a female. And he's from a time period barely into the Renaissance.]

I see...


star_australis December 22 2009, 03:34:41 UTC
[ Eh, can't claim to be very good at this time period. *No worries though, same way with the Civil War.* ]

That's why I know who you are, England, and yet you don't know me. Just haven't met me yet in your time.

[ Sees that back step. ] What can I do to show you I'm harmless?


OH FFFFF coding. OTL Sorry about that. rosatudoris December 23 2009, 03:44:54 UTC
[He gives nothing more than a curteous nod at that, shifting a bit at her question. To be honest, it would be a chore to get him to trust anyone at this point.] Er, I... [And having a conversation with someone he hardly knows is not really a priority to him.] S-sorry, I have a lot of my own concerns right now so... [He cringes, his voice softening a bit as if expecting a foul response from this question.] ...w-would you mind just...leaving me alone...?


It's fine. star_australis December 23 2009, 03:50:48 UTC
If you so wish. Take care of yourself, sir. [ She gives a small smile, but then takes a step back, turns, and walks away. ]


OTL Sorry, he's just like that, nothing personal. *feels bad* rosatudoris December 23 2009, 04:39:13 UTC
[He glances up as she agrees, almost surprised that went over so well. He watches her go, still fiddling with his rosary as he does. Once she's out of sight, he takes a few steps over, looking into the room he had supposedly just come out of. Well, that certainly wasn't where he was before... He frowns, nervously taking a few steps back. Was that girl telling the truth then? And if she was, how was he supposed to get back from...What did she call this place again? Headquarters...? He leans against the wall, staring down at the chain of beads that he carried at all times and questioning softly.] Dear Lord, what should I do...?


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