Apr 20, 2012 13:19
[What a lovely Friday evening in Germany. The weather was clear and not too hot, Germany was finishing the last of his work before dinner, and there was a knock on the door that Prussia expected to be Italy that his brother was making him answer.]
[But upon bounding down the stairs and racing the dogs to the front door, something suddenly felt off. Something was certainly off when he opened the door to the front yard and found himself in a long, empty, white hallway, as opposed to looking out to what was Germany's lovely garden and probably an excited Italian ready for hugs and kisses in greeting.]
[Even the dogs were gone!]
What the--?
[Prussia, curious as an adorable kitten, was quick to stride down the hall, his grin replaced by a scowl, intent on getting some answers. . . .but man was it quiet. Hopefully someone would be here to give him answers.]