(no subject)

Oct 18, 2011 21:10

[ In one of HQ's more remote living rooms, there's a Confederate. If one didn't follow the sound of matches being struck, or if they decided to follow the smell of tobacco, or if they have a particularly good sense of smell and notice the scent of blood underlaying the cigarettes, it's possible no one would know he was here to begin with.

It's hard to figure out where the faint scent of blood is coming from, he seems to have no visible injuries, unless a observant person notices the small burns on his fingertips. Someone who is familiar with him may notice how he's sitting with both feet on the floor and elbows carefully balanced on his knees instead of sitting legs crossed ankle-over-knee as he usually sat, or if someone is particularly close to him they may be able to guess what's wrong simply from watching him.

As is, he seems to be simply striking matches just to watch them burn, dropping the spent matches into a pile in a ashtray hopefully before he gives a fingertip another bit of pain, and lighting another. ]

[ooc; Yes, yes I am using this as a bit of stress relief. For those that don't know, the Battle of Belle Grove (Cedar Creek) was October 19th in 1864, and one of the major battles in the Valley Campaign of 1864 that drove the Confederates out of the Shenandoah Valley. So obviously, RonRon is being affected by it and therefore reacting to it. Going ahead and putting this up now since I won't have time in the morning and won't be home until the evening. Speaking of which, I'll get to any tags in the evening as well.]

!au, america

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