...c'est bizarre.
[Urban Fantasy!France was just browsing the shelves in the library, trying to get a better handle on the history of all these worlds filled with nothing but humans, when he came upon something that was definitely not there yesterday.]
[No. No, definitely not. He wasn't stupid. But the urge to push it nibbled at him, growing stronger.]
OOC: One of those multiple-effect rooms! Although the genre savvy and strong-willed might resist for a time, the urge to press the Big Red Button will eventually become overwhelming. Go
here and generate a random number from one to eight. Of course you can cheat, but that takes half the fun out of it!
1. You are no longer capable of telling lies - not even to yourself.
2. You are no longer capable of speaking or writing. You must rely on gestures, facial expressions, non-verbal noises, and/or charades to communicate.
3. Genderswap, with or without appropriate wardrobe changes.
4. You forget things - it could be specific things that the mun chooses, all your CR, or even total amnesia. Up to you!
5. You are now desperately attracted to a bodypart that is not normally considered erotic.
6. You gain some sort of animal features.
7. Oh no, you're shrinking! You might become child-sized, fairy sized, or even smaller.
8. Jackpot! You have a shiny new superpower - but it's totally useless. And possibly inconvenient and/or embarrassing.