Throwing the dog some bones!

May 24, 2011 19:25

[Pochi has been out for quite a while, exploring all of the gardens and backyards in the HQ, hoping to find something nice and fun. And 'lo, did he find it. A huge pile of puppy bones, all nice and big and ready for use...]

You know what that means people, Bone burying time! So here he is, a fluffy and small doggie, digging fast and furiously in the closest backyard, hoping to make many holes for his beloved bones and getting his fur really dirty in the process.]

Wanwanwan! (Wheeeeee!)

[What will you do, nations/humans/animal companions/etc.? Scold him for ruining your 'yard? Help him keep his "treasure" hidden? Search for other threasures? Grab him for a bath? Your choice...]

!misc, !animal

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