vs. Modern Fashion

Feb 25, 2011 21:41

[Germania had been minding her own business, just wandering about.  However wandering around minding your own business was the best way for the HQ to gank you into some of it's shenanigans.  She must have meandered through some form of clothes changing room at some point because instead of the long tunic-like dress she usually wore... it was replaced with something scandalously short and several inches above the knee.  However that was the least of her concerns now.

The first was the room suddenly growing alarming darker, this she figured out the solution to quite quickly.  She'd seen some of the modern children wear sunglasses and quite quickly deduced what they were.

This left her free to tackle the last problem.


She'd obviously never worn them before with the way she was wobbling around and gripping anything nearby for balance.  She was also unable to remove the damn things, the HQ seemingly bent on making her suffer.

No, this situation, was far FAR from ideal.

She'd be damned if these heels defeated her though.]


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