
Feb 05, 2011 22:46

[The nights were getting somewhat shorter, yes, but they were still long. And dark. And after more than a few months of this, he was just feeling depressed. But you'll find him in a wool Icelandic sweater in the corner with a mug of hot chocolate, trying to convince you he's perfectly fine, mmyep. Not even preparations for Eurovision were pulling ( Read more... )


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usqueadmare February 6 2011, 05:23:40 UTC
[A wild Canada appears! Well, not terribly wild, but there's narration for you. He spots Iceland looking rather down and detours to sit next to him.]

Halló, right? Mind some company?


islandnation February 6 2011, 05:32:18 UTC
[You spoke his language. He is surprised. Happy about it, but surprised nonetheless.]

Já, halló. Um, I guess I wouldn't mind.

[He hugs the mug of hot chocolate closer to himself and scoots over a little bit.]


usqueadmare February 6 2011, 05:35:27 UTC
[He makes a point of being able to greet and comprehend in most languages. Just don't expect much from him, it's been a while since he tried to pick up Icelandic. With a warm smile, he sits, bear hopping up onto his lap to sniff at Iceland.]

Thanks. How are you?


islandnation February 6 2011, 05:37:41 UTC
[Iceland doesn't expect anyone to learn his language, really, so you've already impressed him.]

Alright. And yourself?

[The bear. He was rather bemused by it, not sure if he should pet it or not. It was a bear and all. Though, the bear was rather cute.]


usqueadmare February 6 2011, 05:40:42 UTC
Good. I've got lots of snow home, so I guess I'm a little over-excited about the inter-provincial games coming up.

[And this bear is gonna keep sniffing and nudging with his nose until you pat him.]


islandnation February 6 2011, 05:45:31 UTC
Mm, same. Well, the lots of snow, anyway..

[It took him a moment, but he realized and pet it a little. Soft. Kind of like Mr. Puffin.]


usqueadmare February 6 2011, 05:49:13 UTC
Which is just depressing if you don't handle it right...

[Gesturing at the bear,] He'll be your friend forever if you keep that up. Won't remember who you are, but he'll like you.


islandnation February 6 2011, 05:55:10 UTC
I-I'm not depressed! [You said the 'd' word, Canada. But don't worry, it was a knee-jerk reaction.]

[He can't help chuckling at the bear, and continued to pet it. With it draped over his lap, he was definitely feeling warmer. That made him feel a bit better.]


usqueadmare February 6 2011, 06:06:08 UTC
I... didn't say you were? [asdfghjkl; he didn't mean to insinuate that. Of course now he's worried, though, in his quiet little way. And Kumajirou is getting snuggly with Iceland, because YAY PATS!]


islandnation February 6 2011, 06:10:50 UTC
[Well, isn't he making a scene now. He made a mental note to stop reacting to things before he could think about them.] ...I'm not. So, um.

...What kind of inter-provincial games are you holding..?

[Iceland is perfectly okay with this. Mr. Puffin snuggled with him, but there was nothing like snuggling a live bear.]


usqueadmare February 6 2011, 06:15:41 UTC
[Poor Iceland. D:]

The Canada Games, my people named them. They're... a bit like the Olympics, but just for my people. We gather every two years for a few weeks of friendly sports and music and parties. They're in Halifax, this year, which means Nova Scotia will be throwing some awesome Celtic kitchen parties. Should be pretty fun.


islandnation February 6 2011, 12:42:14 UTC
[Yeah basically. ;w;]

Oh... that sounds like a lot of fun then. [He always forgot that Canada was... such a large country. He only really still knew about Manitoba. Gimli, Manitoba.]


usqueadmare February 6 2011, 20:55:28 UTC
It always is. You should see if you can't make it some year. Ireland came once and really loved it, and sometimes America pops in if he remembers. [And New Iceland is precisely the reason he tried to learn Icelandic some hundred-odd years ago. Can't have a settlement on the edge of your land and not take care of it.]


islandnation February 6 2011, 21:15:52 UTC
I might, then. At least, for a little bit anyway.

[Iceland just remembers not-so-fond things about the place. Hardships were why they left for the New World, and such, and even planned on sending the entire population there to escape things. If he were in a better mood, he'd probably be a bit more reasonable.]


usqueadmare February 6 2011, 21:35:07 UTC
[He would have taken them, gladly. Though it's not as if the old New World was perfect and easy, by any means.]

Well, you're always welcome, no matter how long or short you want to make your stay. And it doesn't have to be for the Games. I'm sure Manitoba and I could throw together a folk-festival to celebrate your visit.


islandnation February 6 2011, 21:45:41 UTC
[No, nowhere was ever easy. But Old Iceland certainly made the New World look a ton more perfect than it was.]

W-Well, um, I may just visit. I'll talk to my boss. [He did like the idea of seeing the decedents of his countrymen.] ..No need to make it super grand or anything though.


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