Mar 28, 2009 21:34

*An unusually large-breasted girl is putting up posters that appear to be several decades old. She works frantically, and raves semi-coherently to anyone who might be listening about some stuff she heard from her neighbor several months after everyone else breaking news*

I was jes farming my potatoes fer the motherland yesterday an' my neighbor tells me his pa said there's an economic crisis! He says it's a real big capitalist guvment conspiracy t' rob the workin people. He hain't seen anything like this since 1933! He reckons everyone in them western countries working themselves up fer a world revolution!

*stabs imaginary counterrevolutionaries with her heraldic trident* When Stalin calls fer me t' defend the motherland from those greedy landlords, I'll be ready! Really, I mean it! Even though he took all m' potatoes during the last revolution and I dun like revolutionaries very much--well, I don't want t' complain in case my neighbor reports me and I git tortured t' death... Well, I jes hope it'll turn out better this time. Is anyone else makin' a call t'arms? Well, I guess I kin do it... *deep breath*

COMRADES, THE REVOLUTION HAS COME and gosh, I sure hope it doesn't end with me starvin' to death like last time, not that I'm blaming the post revolutionary guverment or nothing.


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