Pretty Italian looks for loving spouse~ ♥

Feb 03, 2011 00:23

Felicia sat in one of the libraries a huge stack of books at the table right beside her, while she was intently reading in one of the books. It really was a rare sight to see the Italian girl study, but one of her twin brother's versions had given her the advice to look for a spouse and she was now following said advice ( Read more... )

n. italy

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Comments 49

mariatheawesom February 2 2011, 23:28:06 UTC
Licia? What the hell are you doing?? [And in comes Maria, confused and examining one of the books. Particularly the one about Italian men. ]


felice_bellezza February 2 2011, 23:37:46 UTC
Felicia winced slightly and an intense blush emerged on her cheeks as she notived Maria coming in.
"I-I umn...", she stuttered shyly. "Lovino told me I should... start looking for an spouse...", the Italian girl explained. "I thought maybe that books help?"


mariatheawesom February 2 2011, 23:39:37 UTC
Lövchen did? Seriously? That doesn't sound like him.

Pft. Books are how West would do it. You don't need books.


felice_bellezza February 2 2011, 23:43:36 UTC
"Well... at least the version I just met did so.", Felicia explained, feeling how the blush on her tanned cheeks increased.
The Italian girl sighed. Well after all she had though of what Ludwig might do in her situation, just that's why she is now in a library buried in books.
"I thought... just maybe.", she mumbled a little shyly, feeling a little embarrassed about this. "And... as I am not engaged or married by now... it may help though!?"


unioneitalia February 2 2011, 23:32:18 UTC
"Oh, dear... something in mind?" She grabs the 'how to seduce a English gentleman' and grins.


sorry just stole some of your Icons... is that ok? °///° felice_bellezza February 2 2011, 23:40:12 UTC
Felicia winced startled and jumped of her chair as she heard her own voice, looking right into her own face. She had never seen another female version of herself and stared at her curiously. Lovino was right, she really was a pretty girl.
She smiles shyly. "Fr-Fratello said I should m-maybe look for an spouse... o-or a constant friend. I thought... maybe these books may help?"


Pfft, of course it is :D unioneitalia February 2 2011, 23:47:24 UTC
Ways more used to male and female versions of herself, even if she generally tends to avoid them, she doesn't seems so surprised.
"Romà said so? Oh my my... really?" Giggles and sits in front of her "Mmmh... do you have someone you like, perhaps? Veh, I doubt books can help if you don't have anyone."


Thankies! ♥ felice_bellezza February 2 2011, 23:54:11 UTC
Felicia sat down again, as she got slowly used to see her own face. The pretty Italian sighed, folding her hands to place their chin on them.
"I-I like Ludwig.", she admitted an intense blush spreading across her tanned cheeks. "B-but in my world... he is always busy, t-too busy to notice.", she explained. "A-and Lovi got that idea to actually keep me aways from him, ve~"


obnoxious_kraut February 3 2011, 10:18:02 UTC
[This Gilbert was just taking a stroll around the HQ, trying to find someone to annoy the hell out of, in lack of other hobbies. As he passed by the door to the library, he threw a quick glance into the big room, and what he saw almost literally made his jaw drop.
Mein GOTT, that girl was fine! He realised that he stood there gaping, looking like a total dork. He straightened, slid his fingers through his hair once (only making it into more of a mess than it already was), before stepping into the room, approaching this beautiful lady, with a wide and (what he hoped was) flirty smirk on his face.]

Hello there, pretty lady~! Wha'cha readin'?

[[ooc: Yes, Gil is horrible at the art of flirting, please, bear with him... ._.;;]]


felice_bellezza February 3 2011, 10:28:40 UTC
Felicia was deep in thoughts as she took notes from the book about the German man, frowning slightly as she asked herself if that would really help her for later on. Suddenly she heard a voice and winced startled, as the Italian girl had not realized that someone else had entered the library.
Her hazel eyes stared at the albino in confusion. That guy seemed somehow familiar to her, yet she couldn't point it out by now.

"I-I read a book, ve~?", she said simply, feeling an intense blush increasing on her tanned cheeks as she realized that the stranger had just called her pretty and that it would seem weird if he would realize what a book she was just reading.


Excuse me while I facepalm to Gil's complete and utter idiocy... OTL;;; obnoxious_kraut February 4 2011, 10:15:38 UTC
[Hee... Heehee... That girl sure was pretty... And he had made her blush! That was good right? Right? Oh, wait, she had said something... Shit! Come on, Gil, think! It was probably something about the book, yes... Uhm, let's see... Question, a question to keep the conversation going!]

So, uhm, what's it about?


*lol* I consider it utterly cute! xD ♥ felice_bellezza February 4 2011, 11:38:02 UTC
Once more the pretty Italian girl winced a little at the other's question, glancing at her book, before she tried to hide it. Felicia felt rather awkward suddenly about reading those book, now that a man had just asked her what they were about.
"N-Nothing special, just some books, ve~", she answered, smiling at the albino. "And who are you?", Felicia asked then, curious why the other seemed so familiar to her while she knew that they haven't met before...


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