(no subject)

Jan 12, 2011 21:26

[Ukraine was just minding his own business.  He was just taking a leisurely stroll and pondering such deep things as what he should make for dinner and that he should find some red thread so he could fix the little tear in one of his favorite shirts.  It was then that he heard the noise from the library.  It was a spectacular crash! Fearing someone had fallen and caused grave injury to themselves he ran as fast as he could inside.  but he forgot a few important details.

He was a very tall young man, why even a male Russia would have to tilt his head up a bit to stare into his eyes.

This meant he usually had to duck for doorways.

In his haste to help he forgot this.

He ended up running full speed INTO it, his forehead clonking quite loudly on the door frame.  He toppled backward, tripped over a wrinkle in the carpet while he tried to correct his balance while in a daze and ended up sprawled across the hallway floor , groaning in pain.

To the untrained eye it might actually appear that someone had jumped not Ukraine but Russia (aside from the eye color the resemblance was quite strong) and had actually beaten him quite soundly.

The 'victim' inside the library had just been a rather large dictionary someone had left teetering on the edge of a shelf.  It along with a few other books knocked down along the way had finally been claimed by gravity, resulting in the rather loud bang.]

(ooc: I finally finished swapping out all of his old carefully cropped girl Ukraine icons (except for one) and replacing them with carefully edited Russia ones like I've been wanting to do FOREVER.  And now I can finally play him once more ;w; )


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