Title: A $50 Phone Card is Worth $50
franceismyhomieRating: somewhere between PG-13 and M i'm pretty sure it's not that bad really
Prompt: PruCan + Germany. PROMPT THAT I TOTALLY COPY PASTA'D... GERMAN SPARKLE PARTAY. THAT'S ALL THAT IS NEEDED, IMO. whichever pairing of choosing- Character A is tired of being just friends with their crush, Character B. After getting advice from their best friend, Character C, Character A decides to seduce Character B and get them to fall madly in love with them.
Summary: dude read the prompt
It starts off as a pining love story between two individuals. I won't say nations because in Canada we have political science courses that argue that Canada is not a nation because we are not linked by language or heritage or other such bullshit fucking fucks. So this is a story of a guy named Prussia who really likes this guy named Canada. Canada is a bit shy, so Prussia does not like to mention his startling and obnoxiously longing desires to Canada because he is scared his Ottawa might break when he tells him about the love. However, sometimes the feelings are of getting in way of life so Prussia throws down towel of complete literal sense because he actually had a towel and screams inside his mental how much he loves and is going to call on Canada his confession.
The confession day was bright and sunny and had no clouds so it was perfect day to do what has to be done. Prussia's life was in ruin because his delusions always made him be cool. He did not think he was cool right now. So, obviously, he was kind of wigged out, man. He just wanted to show Canada how his heart go boom. He waits for Canada while stroking chin in thought of how to do what has to be done. However, Canada phone and ring and Prussia pick up and Canada say he is gonna be late and Prussia says "that's okay," but Canada was all, "no actually i not come."
Prussia was sad. But he has big spirit, so not to get down. Prussia went to his bro Germany's house and was all "hey guy west how does love work" and Germany slammed down book on face of Prussia and was like "i don't know" and Prussia was like "oh" and Germany was like "dude i don't get laid i like to have too weird hobby" and Prussia was like "oh" and Germany was like "prussia seriously what is up you seem kind of sad." but THAT just made Prussia more sad because he told west what was wrong (dude that was like four w words in a row i am a literary genius alliteration) and here he is being a douchenozzle and asking what was wrong even though he already told that fucker what was up with his life.
Germany felt bad. So Germany took prussia out to drinks. they drank. a lot. Prussia was gettin in awesome groove and continued to be awesome groove. "YO" sang prussia with the tune of a million seagulls, "I AM SO AWESOME I AM GONNA TELL CANADA TOMORROW FO REALS AND I WON'T LET HIM LATE. BECAUSE I GO TO HIM INSTEAD OF MEETING" Germany was like "cool bro" and was all up in that shit cause he was the drunk. Which obviously everyone knows means sparkle party. So Germany and Prussia had sparkle party.
Check out those fly motherfuckers.
So Prussia was hunover but he was driven by absolute lust and longing so he went to Newfoundland because Canada happened to be in Newfoundland where the sun is free and the flowers shine and the crickets do not exist. So Canada went and was there, but Prussia went and is now there. Prussia went up and was embarrass but he DIDN'T CARE he was so determined his socks began to sweat and his dick became ridden with the power of a hundred million pretzels and power. So with a pretzel cock and a good heart he took Canada by shoulder and screamed out his confession.
Canada stared
Canada waited
Canada is the biggest country
Canada was so happy that he jumped into prussia's arms and broke his Ottawa.
i realize this was kinda short but i don't really care because everyone knows quality is better than quantity. okay.