nordic chirstmas battle

Jan 01, 2011 23:33

Title: nordic chirstmas battle
Author: joatamon 
Recipient: kainoliero 
Rating: PG-13 thanks to OOC Sealand
Characters/Pairings: The Nordics, writer as a self-insert being one of them and this has to be painfully obvious.
Prompt: Suddenly one Nordic can no longer manage something he has always been able to do before. Drama and much crying appreciated, bonus points if puffin has a name. Any rating.
Characters/Pairings: The Nordics, a gender-swap within the fic and lots of self-crafted spells! I love you if you totally butcher latin on this!
Prompt: Harry Potter AU, where a Slytherin Finland tries to kill off Hufflepuff Denmark. Puffin gets transformed. Any rating.
Summary: Denmark and Norway are planning a Christmas party at Hogwarts, but when Finland hates them, spells are misfiring, and Mr. Puffin goes missing, it will take a miracle to keep their holiday from being a complete disaster. Hell, that actually sounds like a GOOD fanfic...but this is not that good fanfic.
Warning: Very, very bad spelling and grammar and just about everything. I can make a standard English translation if it's too difficult to read.

[A/N I wrote tihs cuz Nodrics r kawaii! especially aisurando-kun!!! he doesn't watch turkey pee wtf is wrong with u ppl. also i wanted somethin with a darker edgier finland n its in the Harry Potter World. so anyway plz read n reveiw!!!!!!!!!!!]

So is almost xmas and xmas is always cool at Hogwarts" Norway say to te other Hufflepuffys at breakfast "WHAT ARE YOU PLANNING??" Denmark says "lol youre so cute Noway, will you spend Chrismas with me tihs year" Noway of course tune briht pink but was interuppted by somthing unown.

"sup guys, mr puffin just came" It was........aisu-kun! "te daliy prophet says the dark Lord kiled Finlads parents!!!!"

O NO says Danmark Sempai, "you thnik thats why Finland is so strange n mean??cos his parents r dead? i mean u no................."

everyone tehre knew alredy what Danmark had to say. Finlad was a slitherin an a metalhead an siting over at te next tabel with his meatalhead friends an Sweden, A Cute Girl. "wats up with suchan anyway said danmark, "whjys a tal prety quiet girl like taht wit that creep Finland....?

"U GUYS. FNINLANDS PARENTS ARE DEAD AND SO WE CANT GO TO HOGSMEADE FOR THE WEEKEND." Sealand came up loking upset, he was eating pumpkin pancakes for brerfast.
"O no....." swelled Normandy "but Crhistmas.........." "its OK Norway, we can throw a xmas party here!" Danmark looked happy! "cmon Sealand lets hav some cofee get happy n dont worry bout Fninland, hell be happy to cuz well let him com to our party!!"d

one week later


everyone cheered wecause Finlads deck of crads had turned to candy! frofessor McGongal claped to him.

"see, class, u can all learn semething from binland-kun. any1 who cant get this by end of period today stays afeter!!!!!"

the hufelpufs groaned. Finlad fingered them when McCoogle was not looking.

"WTF FINLAND. DONT GIVE PEOPLE THE BIRD LIKE THAT." Danmark reported, glaming angrily.l

"Your just jelous I'm a genus and dating the hotest girl in Hogwarts<" says Finelad, smirking. "So,I herd your throwing a party for xmas."

no. don't do it." aisu-kun was adamant. "Leave Kingdom of Denmark alone,,"

"No talking in class!" snaped McGoogle as she made angry eyes at Iceland-kun.

"ya Aisu, you might get punshished." Finlad had that nice look on his faec but u now he was up to no good.

succhan looked like she wanted to say somethin but her eyes remaned still.

"sooo, since you are felling so smart today Aisu-kun, prehaps you would like to go next?" said McGonagal "Wat is it u can transform for us/

Iceland blushed......."Wel I can transform my Pufin! Into a sandwich! Mr Pufin and i practiced all weekend....!"

"DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIT!" the slitherins chanted. "lol dont worry bout them," says Norway, "Ive seen you do it lil bro, you can make him into an awesom sandwich!!1'

"Thanks Oniichan," Aisu looking fired up, "U ready PUffin?"

Mr. Pufin quacked. (A/N puffins quack, rite???)

Aisu takes out his wilow pufin feather wand (14 inches).  "Consentio fabirca! C-Consentio fabrica! Dulces senor....................CONSENTIO FABRICA!!!1"

tehn there was a loft of purple smoke!!! a gril screamed...........................and wen the smoke cleared, THE PUFIN WAS GONE!

"WAT. AISU YOU FAIL." Professor McGonagall was koffing. "tats not a sandwich! you get a F!!!!!!"

"What, what, but....." Aisu loked around. "But my Pufin! hes supposed to be a sandwich now........Im sure hes here........."

Danmark had a konwing look. "Tehres only so many palces the puffin could be..."

calss let out and still no puffin. Aisu was starting to miss his little friend but Norman and Danmark were right there wit him.

"sry you cant find ur puffkin gaiz" Fninland smiled cuetly, his arm around Succhan. "welp i'm of to lunch."

wit that he took a big biet of a sub sandwich as he left the room as Denmark watched suspicially........

two days later

"ok guys i got it up hows it look" Denmark ponited to the sparkly silver garland thing hed strung all over the commmons. "aisu. wat are you doing."

"im not fellin so good ok??" Aisu-kuns purple orbs showed a depth of sadness Danemark had never seen before. "i should go..............."

"unh uh." Noway stopped him. "wat is this about seriously youve been in a funk the past to days."


Aisurando heaved a deep sihgh. "I miss Mr Pufin. he was always ther for me n slept on my pilow wit me. now hes gone and..... i think..........I am mr pufins killer!!"

All the Nodrics gasped. Sealand droped his ornament.

"actually about that" denmark remarked "i thougt about that an i think u should follow me.........."

6 minuets later

"SSSSSSSSSSH Normandy," said Danmark. "were almos tthere. now tehre is a very special trick to this room u need to get in. i red it in a book an if im rite, Finelad hid da Pufin in here."

teh other three noded quitely.

"now...........we walk back n forth in front of da door. we think of wat we want most and after passing by enough times, we can open it!!"




the four teens walked back n forth seriosly in front of da door. danmark tride it but it did not open.

"wer u guys all thinkin the same thing"

"well i was thinking how to get my lil brothers pufin back"

"me to......i miss my Pufin!!!"

"um you said think of what u want most."

"ya Seland thats the puffin," Danmark rolls his eyes. "what else would we look for??"

"well i wanted a lemon soda," seland hesitated "................and boob's"

"not cool dude, well have enough time to be pervs later. now is time to get the pufin." Danmark open the door and.......

a really pretty girl runs into him!!! she blinked as she looked up at him as Norman and Seland an Aisu-kun stared at her soft raven hair and Angel's skin and dark sparkle eyes that loked right at Aisu.

"Um hi................." she blushed but didnt know how cute she looked doin it "Hai! My names Tori Kuroshiro (a/n see that means black n white bird) and i had a spell on me.....but...........I dont remember.................."

Tori blaked out and fell sexily into Aisu-kun's arms.....

7 hours later

Tori blink and look up at Aisu-kun sittin watching her and shes embarrassed that such a kawaii boy was watchin her sleep so she look down.

"were in the nurses ofice so dont worry," says aisu admiring her face "all da guys r here. were sory for botherin you Miss you see, I was looking for my Pufin and----"

"I remember now!! Tori say "I was...........I was your pufin! But u transformed me! Oh, Aisu-kun..."

"r-RELY?!" Iceland jump up "I didnt no u were a girl!! i ment to turn u into a sanwich! im so sory my pufin I should have used my magic more carfully," Aisu cry and hug Tori-chan until he realize sehe smelled really nice and was shy to be hugin her.

"tihs is wat happens..........wen u MESS wit me, punx!!"

Finlad come into da room like a dark cloud wit Succhan n Estonia on his sides. Te nodrics gasped!!

"u wont get Torichany!" aisu jump in front of her like a hero.

danemark smile sadly "so it was u all along......Finelad whyd you curse Aisukun's Puffy? we never did anything to you."

Finelad laugh "you say your the Nordics! well we wanna be Nordics instead n were way better then u! so get ready............"

they wiped their wands out all at once and Torichan start to cry she said no dont you guys fight because of me!" but stil she took out her wand (16 inchs grey ash unicorn hair). "I know this curse! it maeks all of u unable to cast spells normaly.....but since i was a Pufin I'm not affected by that curse!" she whiped around to ponit her wang at Finelad!!!!!

"DONT BE A HERO!" cries Norway Sealand and Danmark........but Finland laughed. "u thnink this was all about u dumb gril. No way. te curse is to......take out the Nodrics!" Finelad began to laugh.

"YOULL NOT GET AWAY WIT THIS!!" Sealand cast a spell "BEAMUS GOATIUS!!!!!" Seland ponit his wand at Finland........n water squrited out!!

ah ha ha." Finelad winced at the wet on his clothes. "see?? the curse really worked.......u cant hurt us cuz your magic is not workin."

"tha thats rediculous!" Norman swirl his wand say "APELLIO TROLLKING" n all these pink feathers float around....he loked down dejected "sory guys, i guess its true."

"Finland I dont know......." Succhan tug on his sleeve "tehres somethin I should tell u before u-" "quiet girl!" snaped Estonia "cant u save it?"

"DONT. YOU TALK TO SUCCHAN THAT WAY." danmak pull out his wand point at Etsonia say "EREPETUM DULCINEA........!!" but Etsonia smile step out of the way the spell hit SUCCHAN full force.............!!!

Succhan cry tehn she stand up but she was tall and had short har and was scary short..........SHE WAS A HE!!!!!

So Succhan jus sit down and he cry big fat tears say "its like I was raped now no man well ever want me........" finelad kneel down wit him say "its ok Su-chan, to tell u the truth im bisezual so......." but Sweden just tear away running otu of the nurses office. Danmark blush "Oh god man im so sorry......

Finelad leveled his wang at Danmark.

"You. Will die for what you did to my precous sweet Suuchany."

Tori bust into tears while Aisurando hold her and the other Nodrics stare manacingly at Finland.

"but i didn't mean to the curse was--"

"EGONON ADEO OPUS! ERAMTENTATIO PERAGERO!!" Finelad swooshed his wand and a read kind of beam came out at Denmark but sudenly was stoped!

"N-NO FINELAD!" Succhan had jumped in front of da beam and now sehe was bleeding! "I....I can't hold it........."

"W-Why Succhany............." Finelad droped to the ground next to her he cry "why would you get yourself hurt."

Succhan jsut cry ".............DONT YOU KNOW I AM IN LOVE WITH DANMARK!!!!!!"

"e-ENOUGH!" Everyone stoped when Torichan said something. "Dont you guys see wat this is doing??? its Chirsmas tomorow and ur all fighting! Nobody want sto wind up dead or a guy! if u really loved Succhan u'd take her I mean him to Danmarks Chirstmas party and we could all be freinds!"

It was like a great weight had lifted from the students. Outside the window, crystalline flakes of snow began to fall. It was the first snow of winter at Hogwarts. The silence was momentarily interrupted by the cheers of students deeper within the school. Finland wept silently and kissed Sweden's brow, trembling with the full realization of what he had just done to his most important person in the world.(a/n OMG THIS PARAGRAPH SUXX MONKEY BALLS!!! im sorry lol)

Torichan get up and sit down wit Sweden and Finlad. "I......think I can save her<" she murmured, touching the boy Sweden delicately. "But I well have to make a sacirfice.........."

"NO!" Aisu cried openly. "You can't do that!" "Sssh dont worry Aisu," says Normandy and hugs him, "Your oniichany is here to help."

"A-Anything!" murmured Finland. "Ill sacrifice not u! I'll give anything for my love even if she is a boy."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!" Aisurando wept into his Oniichan's shoulder, but Torichan was already begining to sparkle and fade.

"I was so happy to meet u all.........." Tori's magic dark blue eyes were full of tears. "But this must be the end, so that Succhan may live............Iceland-kun. I always loved u."

He noded. "I love u too Tori-chan...."

"So I can give you just one last gift Aisu-kun........since I wont be here for Chirstmas."

Sehe knelt down and kissed Swedens forehead and was gone.

Everyone cryed. Sweden slowly opened his eyes.

"I um why is everyone crying. and why am I not ded yet WTF??'

"Its ok my love,,,,,," Finland whispered. "Torichan just saved your life and taught us all the true meaning of Chirsmas......."

Iceland just loked down at his hands and saw a sandwich .he cried and took a bite of it. it tasted like pufin tears.

one day later (x-mas)

at the party they celebrated cause it was Christmas and everyones curses were gone. also Sweden was back wit Finlad because he realized he could not love 2 guys at once so even tho danmark looked sad now he understood. the slitherins and hufflypuffs celebrated together and Danmark had to kick Turkey out for peeing. (A/N servs him right!!!) wen Sealand came in.

"u guys!!!! I went back to da room of rechorement and got some thing."

"is it a girl" said Normandy "this is turning into a sausige fest oh my god."

"no!!!!!!!" Sealand took out.........A PUFIN! he was all cute and flufy and wore alittle bow tie and loked just like Mr. Pufin did! "i got this for you Aisu-kun is it fine too??"

" my my......." Aisu was overcome!! "my PUFIN!!!!!!" he took it and huged it. "I will never let u out of my site Mr. Pufin. but how did u come back??"

"I had a teory of that too;" said Danmark. "u see, our magic was jynxed all dat time so the room of requirement wasnt working either. it made Torichany to come out and teach us all a lesson so we'd be together for Chirstmas!"

mr. pufin just quaked. the nordics (now wit Finelad and Succhan and even Etsonia) all laughed at how a girl and a cute pufin had made everything rigt in the end.

the end...........??????

[a/n: wow that was hard to wright. im gona go play pokemon hartgold right now but every1 review this!!!!! merry xmas yall!]

[Real a/n: It was almost painful to write something this bad, but on the plus side, I got to have some real fun with the Nordics!! I hope you like, kainoliero.]
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