(no subject)

Sep 20, 2004 11:57

Well we made it to PAc War without any incidents of car trouble. YAAAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!
Getting there was terrifying though. We were trying to find a way to got hat would let us not spend 4 hours on the road. So I looked up the shortest route on mappoint and found ti. Well I thought this will be fun. It was going though National Forestry road 23. OMG That was the scariest ride I have ever had. The road was mostly clay and gravel with a HUGE drop off on my side. I am thinking death and Charlie is thinking Grand Turismo. OMG I was white knuckling the door. But we made it alright. I was shaking like a leaf when we finally made it to solid road I almost wanted to kiss it.
But when we finally made it to Karma camp life was good. We got our stuff situated and then I found my bottle of Jack. LOL I hardly ever drink hard liquor but it was nice to get tipsy. WE wandered around the site finding people we haven't seen in forever. It was nice seeing familiar faces. I ended up loseing my glasess in Maleks camp and they got smashed by random drunk person. But that is ok, I can get them fixed. Friday Night was beyond intresting. I got NO SLEEP. Not because of Charlie (i wish) But beacuse of that fucktard Captain Blap. That Blackhand motherfucker. He could not keep his god dam mouth shut. Yelling all night long. So when 6 am came around for gate duty I was beat. But it was wonderful to just hang with the comapny for a few hours and get to know the rest of the people I don't know. Then after gate (still tired) we had our meeting and Drake got his blues. I was soooooooo stoked about that. YAAAYYYY Drake. I willll get mine eventually, so we will match LOL. j/k
I went back to gate and was falling asleep there.So the ever so wonderful Moonshine sent me to bed. Who said Anniahlas guys were asses. Moonshine has a heart. The castle battle rocked,except my clutzy ass fell and bruised the shit out of my leg but hey I am all good.
I had a great time except for when charlie decided to tell me that because I don't believe the way his does I am fucking bitch. I tried to squash that shit on our way home but he was so tired he slept most of the way but I believe that he is going to take the steps necessary to answer his questions he has been haveing. Hopefully what I said has sunk in.
II have today to rest and I am takeing full advantage of that.
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