On the roof of the apartments

Mar 22, 2006 09:23

[ooc: due to sisterly interference of the b!tca kind, this is being moved to this late morning. *le sigh* His emo is behind schedule.]

He's been sitting there for a while. He hadn't gone back to his room, instead deciding he'd like a night out in the open air. It was what he was used to, after all. As much as he'd demand the nicest room in any village he'd saved, rooms made him feel claustrophibic, to be honest. Trapped.

This whole place had him feeling trapped.

No one could really leave the apartments. For some, that was a very literal reality from what he'd heard of the dangers of this place. For others, it just meant that wherever you roamed, you had to come back here for shelter as the acid rain demanded.

Is this what having a home is? Feh. Feels more like a shackle.

He can't decide if he's crying 'sour grapes' or if it's true. It's hard to tell here, in this place that reminds him ever so much Anthem, the last 'home' he'd had. And that scares him, because Anthem had been the last place he'd allowed himself to connect with people, become a part of something...

That had worked out so well.

But he misses home, his home, the road and the freedom. Perhaps it wasn't what he would have chosen if he were a normal child with a normal family, but it was the only thing he had and he'd come to enjoy it for what it was.

So bow is put to strings and a song starts up, Smetana's "Theme from the Moldau" flowing out from the giant instrument to reverberate through the air, homesickness and oddly enough, hope for a new home even in this place of destruction and danger, entwined with the melody.

[ooc: feel free to hear or not hear and be affected as you wish. It can hearten or dishearten your pup; make them homesick or help strengthen them for life in this land. Up to you. Also welcome to poke him (or tell him to knock it off *grin*)]


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