
Jan 26, 2006 16:35

His sister and the Avatar, Sokka decided as he wandered grumbling back into the Earth Kingdom forest he'd just come out of two seconds ago, were the most ungrateful people who ever existed. Sure, all he could find for dinner were nuts, but nuts were good food! GOOD ( Read more... )

sokka, aang

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air_scooting January 27 2006, 01:01:07 UTC
He couldn't spend time in the 'complex' much. Still unfamiliar with the others and the only face he knew being Prince Zuko? A little more than depressing, especially in such a dead world they were trapped in.

And there were only so many times a twelve-year-old kid could amuse himself with empty boxes and strange things in the complex.

Exploring the area, not looking the least bit cold, Aang was searching for more of the canned food Zuko had found days ago. Best to stock up, even if it didn't taste very... good. At times, he really wondered if those were carrots.

The Avatar did pause on one rooftop, frowning as he looked at the empty buildings.

He blew the bison whistle, for the heck of it.


No real big shock there.

Aang shook his head sadly, putting the bison whistle away before he leapt to the road below to continue his little hunt.


notanoptimist January 27 2006, 01:08:24 UTC
The buildings were pretty easy to see from far away - not like there's a lot out here to block his view - and Sokka's already started making his way toward them. He hasn't seen anything to really be afraid of or fight against, but the tight grip he keeps on his club shows his discomfort well enough. It's too quiet around here, eerily so, and though he won't like to admit it, Sokka doesn't really like being alone.

...Come to think of it, Sokka's never been alone.

He frowns a little with that thought before shaking it off. First, find people. Then mope. And what was the good of moping if there was no one around to watch you do it?


air_scooting January 27 2006, 01:21:25 UTC
Not much luck. A can of peas from a lone household. Everything else? Spoiled. And canned peas were gross, but... well, Aang wasn't going to go hunting for meat. That'd be silly and wrong.

He stuck the can into his satchel -- it'd been lying around in the room he'd picked in the complex, thankfully; beaten, but useful -- and continued on his way.

"Man, there isn't even grass here I can defrost," he complained softly to himself. Not that he would eat grass, but point still.

It was then, around the corner, he thought he caught the glimpse of... someone.

Nah. Just a trick of the eyes...

Maybe not. Aang frowned and edged closer to look. Never know when it might be some crazy Fire Nation person. Or just Zuko.


notanoptimist January 27 2006, 01:25:37 UTC
One is just as bad as the other! But it isn't Fire Nation or Zuko - just a wary-looking Water Tribe boy, frowning as he looks around--

--catching sight of orange and yellow and breathing a sigh of relief. "Aang!" Sokka calls out, and raises the club to wave it around, just in case the boy hadn't seen him. "What happened? Where's Katara?" Did you get them stuck in some crazy spirit-world thing? He'd like to get off the ride now!


air_scooting January 27 2006, 01:46:14 UTC
For the first time in a little while, Aang's eyes lit up happily. "SOKKA!" He took a grand leap towards the older boy, landing in front of him, grinning widely. Surprised, but happy!

"I don't really know what happened," Aang admitted. "...But I haven't seen you or Katara for awhile. I'm glad you're not sick anymore; I was really worried!"


notanoptimist January 27 2006, 01:49:07 UTC
Smiling back a little, Sokka can't get too excited. Sure, he's glad to see Aang but he also just saw the kid ten minutes ago. It's more important to find his sister, the bison, the lemur... the Earth Kingdom.

He blinks at Aang's words, smile shifting into a frown and looks more than a little confused. "...Sick? What do you mean? I was just in the woods and... Wait a second, you were with Katara. It was, like, ten seconds ago!" Or minutes. Whatever.


air_scooting January 27 2006, 01:52:19 UTC
Woods? Clearly, being ill made poor Sokka all confused. Aang smiled sympathetically and humored him.

"Well... it's hard to explain. This place obviously isn't home. I think the best way to put it is that we're in another world altogether. Definitely not a friendly one, either. I showed up awhile ago. I guess time runs differently here or something; I don't really know."


notanoptimist January 27 2006, 01:56:44 UTC
Sokka completely believes you, Aang. After all, you're the Avatar, the bridge between this world and the spirit world, and his closest friend.

Which is why he eyes you like he's sizing you up for a nice, white jacket. "...Right. Time runs differently. Of course. Why didn't I think of that?"

He sighs a little and looks around, frowning at the landscape. Okay, so it doesn't look like home, but that just means they've both gone a little crazy. "Well, where's Appa? We have to find Katara and try to get back. Who knows when the Fire Nation's going to catch our trail again?"

...He's not still sick, promise.


air_scooting January 27 2006, 02:05:08 UTC
"It's the only thing that makes sense to me, if I got here days before you did." Aang shrugged, smiling optimistically. Much easier when Sokka was the pessimist!

"Well... that's another problem. I don't know where Momo or Appa are. At all. I've been using the bison whistle for days now." The Avatar frowned softly. "...I don't think we really have to worry about the Fire Nation here."

Even if Zuko was hanging around. Really. You trust Aang, in spite of the insanity! Right?


notanoptimist January 27 2006, 02:07:15 UTC
...A little.

For now, Sokka's just frowning, looking less skeptical and more worried by the minute. "Days? I just saw you..." You made fun of the dinner he brought you! He saw it!

Sokka's just entirely lost right now, not at all sure of what to say.

"...Which part about this makes sense again?"


air_scooting January 27 2006, 02:12:20 UTC
Aang tried to think how to explain it. "Okay... you did see me a few minutes ago. But for me, it's been days. So, it was probably ten minutes ago, but it's been ten days for me and..."


Aang's head was starting to hurt.

"Okay. Never mind about explaining it. Just, it's been days for me and minutes for you. Okay?"


notanoptimist January 27 2006, 02:57:52 UTC
The scientist in Sokka is not okay with this information. The protective brother in Sokka is also not okay with this. The hungry guy that really did want to eat some nuts isn't okay with this either.

But Sokka just frowns and sighs. "...There's no one else here?" Not even Momo?


air_scooting January 27 2006, 02:59:27 UTC
"Well..." Aang hesitated. He wasn't sure if it was a good idea to tell Sokka. He'd just be general, then! That'd work.

"There are other people. Most of them aren't from our world, though. I should probably take you to them."


notanoptimist January 27 2006, 03:03:18 UTC
General is good with a boy who likes to overreact. Sokk just sighs as Aang speaks and waves a hand. "Okay, then, lead on! I'll just go meet the other-worldly people, okay?

"Like a flying bison wasn't weird enough..."

Aren't you happy to have your little ray of sunshine back, Aang?


air_scooting January 27 2006, 03:08:07 UTC
Why, yes, he sure was. Because Sokka was much more cheerful than Zuko by comparison!

"Great! C'mon. It's right down this road. I can show you the 'apartment complex'--" Aang was sound to pronounce each syllable firmly. "--that we're staying in!"


notanoptimist January 27 2006, 03:10:42 UTC
"The what?" Sokka frowns and stops, sliding his club back into it's sling and putting his hands on his hips. "Okay, now you're just making words up!"

...Granted, he's still following. But that's just Sokka's way - complain while going along with the weird stuff. It hasn't failed him yet!


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