What this world needs is another cop

Sep 02, 2006 19:16

"Randy, I want you to take the far corner and come around the back. We surround Matthews. He won't have any place to hide." Stottlemeyer waited a single beat for the young lieutenant to answer. "Randy? You hear me?" He turned around, cursing when he saw Randy gone. "Disher ( Read more... )

alex krycek, leland stottlemeyer, !location: outside, first entrance, adrian monk

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slightlymonkish September 3 2006, 02:42:31 UTC
Lucky for Stottlemeyer, Monk is on patrol.

He's pacing back and forth cautiously along the rooftop, eyes scanning the lifeless city that lay before him. No danger had presented itself in days; Monk couldn't even remember he saw anyone wandering around the city without purpose, but then something catches his eye.


He squints and can just make out the figure of a man standing a considerable distance away, and he can't make out the face but he knows it's definitely a man.

Maybe a vampire. He clutches the stake that he's holstered onto his belt (right next to his gun) at the thought, brows furrowing with concern. Could be Harth. Doesn't look like him, though - maybe Krycek.

Monk has to get this over with sometime, so with a deep breath, he leaves his post and makes his way through the building, back down to the ground, and emerges from the gate.

Easy, Adrian, easy, becomes his new mantra as he walks slowly, steps softly and deliberately placed on the ground. Be careful...

Gun and stake are both at the ready.


oh_capt September 3 2006, 02:51:04 UTC
Lost. Yep, he's definitely lost. And Randy running off without a word? Not like the guy at all. He doesn't flake out when it comes to police business.

Well, not usually.

He keeps to his straight path, staring near-dumbfounded at the ruined buildings and city streets.

Squinting in the distance, he spots a figure. A figure with a familiar, careful gait.


Is that?

His hand is down at holster-level again. Even if it is Adrian Monk, he's not taking any chances.



slightlymonkish September 3 2006, 02:55:56 UTC
Monk, upon hearing that unmistakable voice, stops dead in his tracks and his jaw just about hits the ground - not that he'd ever let it, but, you know. Figures of speech, people.

And there he stands for a few long moments, not moving or blinking or even breathing, until he snaps back into reality and --

-- stares some more.

He looks as though he's seen a ghost, to be completely honest, and in all reality, it feels like that as well.

"... Captain?"


oh_capt September 3 2006, 03:05:18 UTC
He's less wary now that he's seen a familiar face, but his guard isn't all the way down.

He's a cop after all.

But if it looks like Monk and walks like Monk and quacks like Monk, then, well, it must be Monk.

"What the hell, Monk? Did the city get nuked and no news came over the comm?" He reaches for his receiver, continually clicking in between the static bursts. "Did it take down everything?"


slightlymonkish September 3 2006, 03:10:03 UTC
The questions fly over Monk's head and he takes one step closer, head tilted and eyes wide.

"... Captain Leland Stottlemeyer?"

Deep down inside, Monk thinks that maybe he's hallucinating like he does with Trudy, that he's only seeing someone he wants to see because he wants to see that person so badly, maybe he's having a psychotic episode, maybe he inhaled some fumes from Daddy's room, maybe --

Maybe it really is Stottlemeyer.


oh_capt September 3 2006, 03:18:08 UTC
That vacant expression on Monk's face? Oh God, Stottlemeyer thinks, he's not listening to a word I'm saying. He's still off in Monk-land or wherever he visits when he's doing the "look through my fingers thing" or the "waving my hands at nothing" thing.

"Yeah," he crosses his arms along his chest. Guess it's his turn to talk Monk out of this. "And you're Adrian Monk. You consult with SFPD whenever I need you. You got an assistant named Natalie Teeger. You drive me lunatic crazy sometimes, but you're the best eyes and ears I got on or off the force. Need more?"


slightlymonkish September 3 2006, 03:23:32 UTC
There's more staring as Monk listens to the man in front of him who looks like Stottlemeyer and sounds like Stottlemeyer talks, and as the words sink into his brain, a realization comes along with them.


Following the realization is a gigantic swell of happiness that starts out in Monk's stomach, works its way up through his chest, and then bursts out of his mouth in the form of - what could possibly be - the most ecstatic scream that anyone has ever heard come from Monk's mouth.

He hasn't been this happy since he was with Trudy.


And with that yell he throws himself at Stottlemeyer, tackling him to the ground in one big heap of joy.


oh_capt September 3 2006, 03:30:55 UTC
He's pushed to the ground with a force he hasn't experienced since he last played football with the boys.

"What the...!? Get off me!"

A Monk embrace? Is such a thing possible? Could Adrian Monk get so deliriously happy he's willing to attempt physical human contact?

Stottlemeyer has his doubts.

"I said, get off me, or else I'm gonna throw you and you're not gonna enjoy that for a single solitary second."


slightlymonkish September 3 2006, 03:34:29 UTC
Monk? DOES NOT CARE. He is, in fact, in such a state of euphoria that he can't bring himself to care.

It's amazing.

He laughs, loud and long and hugs the Captain tight before finally pulling back and hopping back to his feet, smiling bright and wide and it's the most genuine smile that's crossed Monk's visage in years.

"I can't believe you're here!"


oh_capt September 3 2006, 03:44:40 UTC
It's the end of the world and Monk feels fine.

This truly is the apocalypse.

He groans heavily as he struggles to his feet, confused at seeing Monk actually happy for once.

"Of course I'm here, Monk! Where else would I be? Hey, have you seen Randy around? I lost him down one of these alleys. If the entire city's as screwed up as this block, we're gonna need help. Did you see what happened? Was it a nuke or some sort of explosion? Plane crash? Terrorists?"

Yes, always by the book our Captain is.


slightlymonkish September 3 2006, 03:49:12 UTC
"Apocalypse," Monk answers, although there's absolutely no hint of sadness or anything bad at all in his voice - he still sounds undeniably happy.

"You've been sucked into a world in which there is no escape. This is what's left of the planet as we knew it. We're not in San Francisco; we don't know where we are, but... we survive." For the most part.

He pats his belt, then, revealing his gun and his stake.

And yes, he's still smiling. He may or may not look like a madman - that's up to the Captain to decide.


oh_capt September 3 2006, 04:02:52 UTC
"Alriiiiight..." He's drawing the word out, stalling on what to say next. He rubs his chin with his palm, considering what Monk just told him, just showed him.

Gun and wooden stick, sharpened at one end.

Not in San Francisco. Not anywhere near it.

"We? Wait, Monk." He's talking as carefully as he can. He's spoken to crazies before, but this is a crazy he knows. And Monk's crazy usually isn't "strung out on meth" crazy.

"There are more people out here? This place? It's dead, Monk! No trees. No people. No cars. No life! You're telling me I gotta stay here? Monk, I just signed the lease on my new apartment! I got payments due. I'm seeing Linda after work. I have Max this weekend! We were gonna go see the Giants game. Tickets, Monk! I pulled favors out of my ass for months just to get those seats! You're telling me...I'm stuck...here? With you for company?"


slightlymonkish September 3 2006, 04:08:23 UTC
"There are people, Captain," he says cheerfully, pointing backward toward a lit apartment building. "People and mutants and... now that I think about it, we should probably head that way, and soon. I've got this vampire trying to kill me, and I really don't want to stick around to see if he can pick up on my scent."

All said with that same. damn. smile.

That smile only fades when Stottlemeyer's last comment falls upon Monk's ears, at which point he frowns deeply. "Yeah," he mutters. "You're stuck here. We all are."


oh_capt September 3 2006, 04:18:41 UTC


"Monk, you're not making any sense. Those things aren't real."

He's hallucinating. That explains it. The strangely happy Monk, the city in ruins, Randy not around to bug him be his back-up. It all points to drugs. Matthews must've released something into the air while they followed. Walked right into a trap.

"Okay, Monk." He places one hand on his hip, trying to relax now that he's convinced himself that nothing can harm him. Fine. He'll humor hallucinatory Monk. "Seeing as you're on the run from a 'vampire' I suggest finding shelter. You got a place in that building?"


ratb0y September 3 2006, 04:25:03 UTC
Too bad they are real, too bad Leland's wrong in assuming nothing can harm him, and too bad there's one of them standing not too far away, eyes glowing.

It's Krycek, and he's slowly but steadily approaching, fangs bared in a menacing smile.

Yes, Monk, he's coming for you.

And maybe your new friend. Maybe.


slightlymonkish September 3 2006, 04:27:28 UTC
"I've got an apartment, yeah, and I'll be glad to --"

His mouth keeps moving, but his voice is suddenly gone, and he - once again - looks as though he's seen a ghost.

Except, this time, he's pale and trembling within seconds, eyes wide not in confusion or wonder, but pure fear.

"C-Captain," he stammers, pointing over Stottlemeyer's shoulder. "Th-that's the v-v-v-- RUN!"


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