A (sort of) New Arrival

Aug 30, 2006 17:48

The sun has been down for hours when Kon finds himself waiting for Ichigo to return home and reclaim his body. The mod soul lies on the bed in Ichigo's room, wondering why it's taking the Shinigami so long. Most of the time it only takes him a few minutes to kill a Hollow and come back, but this time it's already been a half hour, with no Ichigo in sight. With an annoyed sigh, Kon, never the patient one, decides to have a bit of fun. To hell with Ichigo and his 'reputation'. If Kon wants a night on the town, that's what he'll get!

Leaping out the open window, Kon begins to bounce along, crossing houses and lampposts with ease, each leap carrying him further into the night. Again and again he jumps, carefully landing each time, and then soaring up through the air again. He leaps once more, the Kurosaki house already a speck behind him, and aims to land in a dark alley. He times himself, prepares to take off again the moment his feet touch down-

-except they don't. When he should have landed, instead the mod soul finds himself falling still. The world seems to have gone pitch black as he continues to fall, and suddenly Kon has the distinct feeling that this is Not Good. When the world becomes light again, if only a little, and he finally hits the ground, he is not feeling any better. There is no Karakura town, there is no alley. There's just a big apartment complex not far off, a bunch of crumbled buildings around him, and a dark, dark sky that is most definitely not the clear sky he just had above him moments ago.

[Ichigo is not gonna be happy about this...]

!location: outside

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