"Well, yeah -- you're right about that, everyone wouldn't come up here. Sometimes I do, and I know River does a lot, and sometimes Mel, so even if that's just three people, it's still three teenage girls and that to most people is a frightening prospect."
Veronica is perky. Perky sometimes helps to cancel out emo!
The copy of what looks like the Enquirer, only it's actually a small Xi'an production, is produced from Veronica's bag.
"This," she explains, "is a sleazy tabloid. Or else, I think it is, but I don't know who these people are. She looks a little like Annie, but otherwise ..."
"If you're trying to escape everyone," says Veronica, almost cheerily, "bad choice of location."
"I'm pretty sure some of the people I'm avoiding won't come up here!"
He hopes so, or he might push the Fuhrer off the roof.
Veronica is perky. Perky sometimes helps to cancel out emo!
"... Eh."
He doesn't care! He has deemed this a Sulk Okay zone.
It's an important thing to always have some sort of biological tolerance for it, just in case of emergency.
"Sleazy Chinese tabloids?" she offers.
Ed gives her a strange look. "...sleazy what now?" His brow is up. His expressoin is dubious. Who do you think he is, Roy Mustang?
"This," she explains, "is a sleazy tabloid. Or else, I think it is, but I don't know who these people are. She looks a little like Annie, but otherwise ..."
Pushing another button on her Sidekick, it suddenly starts playing U2's Greatest Hits.
In Chinese.
Veronica stares at it.
He sort of Looks at the thing, because he's NEVER HEARD SOMETHING LIKE THAT MAKE MUSIC.
...not that he thinks that's music. "The devil is coming out of that?"
The look she has is more like 'who translates u2?'
"Not that I knew we had clear radio out here -- must be that we're close to a signal tower, up on the roof of all places. Funny, that."
Ed's era of music is big band.
Something squeezes around the area of his heart when he thinks Winry would adore it all.
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