(no subject)

Jun 13, 2006 21:35

They never really meet outside of 202.

Jayne glared at the tall, thin man in front of him, "You done talkin' to me yet?" he grunted, "Cause, if'n you hadn't noticed, I ain't 'xactly injured, so there ain't nothin' for a Doctor ta be botherin' me about."

"I just had a couple of questions," the Doctor attempted to say again, "About River---"

"Gorram girl ain't my problem, dong ma?" Jayne snapped, "Got herself all crazied up."

"So, she was always unstable?"

"Long as I known her."

"Which has been how long?"

Jayne dropped the stake he was sharpening onto the table with a loud smack, "What're you so interested in her fer?" he said. Something akin to recognition slid across his face, "Oh, no, wait, you're one of them doctors, right?"

"The Doctor, not a doctor," the man corrected.

"You plannin' on cuttin' on her head again or somethin'?" the stake was back in Jayne's hand, this time, with the point in the Doctor's direction.

"Again?" the Doctor's eyebrow went up, "When was she---"

"Well, I'd best be thinkin' twice 'fore you even think 'bout that," Jayne snarled, "Girl ain't stable, an' there ain't nobody treatin' her 'cept her brother, you hearin' me? I find out you did anythin', I'll tell 'em all you came at me like a vamp."

The Doctor, hands raised, backed up until he was flush against the other chair in the room before dropping down into it. Jayne returned to his stake carving as though nothing had happened.

Feel free to bother either, they can't do anything but irritate themselves.

seamus harper, izzie stevens, jayne cobb, !location: apt 202, doctor who, wash

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