My favorite Christmas cookies are those generic sugar ones with green Christmas trees and such on them! Somehow they just taste more Christmas...y than regular sugar cookies, even though I know they're the exact same thing! And oh, meme, what are those things called where it's like green cornflakes and marshmallow put together with a little red hot? Those are good too. Clearly I am in a Christmas food mood, I've been browsing through a recipe book trying to think of what sweet snack to make for Christmas dinner with the family... hmm.
Ah, and LJ has been slow lately... and there are some apparent comment changes that are planned to happen on (I believe) the 20th. Who knows what will happen, so... we'll see! Scrooge help us all, I turned on custom comment pages which will be somewhat of an improvement but...
Note: Due to (probably) the custom comments pages, HTML can be a little wonky. Please don't use open HTML tags in your comments, such as if you want a blank comment with your subject. Use a dot or ~ or my personal favorite, !. If HTML does get borked, be patient and I'll deal with it when I can! :)
Enjoy part 298!
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