So, lately I've been trying to cook and bake more (because I never really have and I'd like some skills) and I came across
these butterbeer cupcakes and... I need to make them. I just figured I'd share, in case anyone who loves a butterscotch flavor and/or Harry Potter hadn't seen them! A lot of recipes on that site look ridiculously good and yummy
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Okay so like, hi, some random anon dared me to like introduce myself to you but I don't even know you but like anyway.
你好, I am Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China or 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區 in Chinese or just Hong Kong for short and my English name is Leon and like I used to be a British colony and had to live with that old man England? But before that I stayed with my 老师 who you may know as China or 中华人民共和国 or just 中国 and he acts like an old man though he actually is an old man so I guess that's to be like expected and all he does is like, nag and he's kinda annoying but he's also kinda cool don't tell him I said that and um, yeah. I sort of learnt Chinese from him but like Mandarin sucks and 广东话 is like so much cooler and usually you do this awesome thing called like codeswitching- you know what codeswitching is?- and like people 好多时 talk like 这样 and like you stick 英文 的 words into your 广东话 and it's so much more awesome than like just speaking Mandarin all the time also it sounds bad. I mean seriously okay, nei hou ma sounds so much better than ni hao ma right? Yeah I thought so too and oh yeah! you're American right right you know those fireworks that you light all the time you got them from me they're awesome aren't they they're also perfect for scaring old British men as well as old Chinese men though technically he doesn't really look like a man but anyway.
Hello, 你好吗。
[mouseover for translationsss~]
Lad, is it possible to speak a bit slower? I didn't catch a word!
Should I fetch an interpreter?
[repeats every word once more at a slightly slower speed]
[is that better]
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