Unfilled Requests: Kink Meme Part 6 (2nd Half)

Jan 24, 2000 00:00

Last Updated 10/15/2009

* Spain/South Italy:
Spain/Romano, stuffing/feeding combined with optional smut.
Doesn't matter if it's dub or non~

* Spain/South Italy:
Okay, we've seen a good amount of fills that has maid!Italy, but I don't think we have one for a maid!Romano.
Prompt: Some situation (a lost bet, Hungary going fujoshi overdrive, etc.) ends up with Romano wearing an sexy adult maid outfit similar to the maid outfit he wore when he was a kid and Spain catches him in it, resulting in delicious smut.
The catch is that Romano is the dominant/demanding bottom in this situation, in which he orders Spain around. Because let's be honest, Romano was a shitty maid, and more often than not Spain ended up do his chores.
Country or human names is up to the anon!writer. I don't care either way.

* Spain/South Italy:
Romano has been turned on before by Spain in a matador attire.
Now it's Spain's turn with Romano in Mafia attire, pinstripe suit + fedora, Mafia-talk and all.
Yes, serious!Romano tops in this, or Spain bottoming from the top. Anyway is fine.
Yea, an image of serious Mafia!Romano from a doujin caused this. *hides*
recaptcha: voters lace. No no no... Lace isn't involved in this. =]

* France/Spain:
As there are some amazing fics around of little France and little Spain with Rome-separately- i would like to see France and Spain interacting as kids under Roman rule. Bonus points if there is sweet soppy romance or/and sex with each other, aka first time with someone else than Rome. yes?yes? pleaseeeeeeeeeeee

* France/Spain, South Italy:
Romano walks in on France and Spain having sex. They convince him to join in.
Okay, so it's incredibly unlikely, but it would be hot. Please?

* Prussia/Spain:
So, Spain cheerfully legalizes same sex marriage. But Austria rolls his eyes, Italy is... pretty much taken (and a bit oblivious), Romano is tsundere and Spain is more then a bit oblivious, and France is cheerful about people still loving him. We all know about that.
But so, following that, let's say Spain's a bit :( about this refusual So he goes to his other best friend about this marriage thing. And, well, it's not like Gilbert's doing much with West, these days. And he'll sort of kind of get land, Spain even will agree to leave the military mostly to him (because Spain sort of shies away from fighting these days in fear of a conquistador relapse) and there are lots of cute things in Spain. And, as a plus (??), it'll cause the world completely to flip out.
So. Gilbert and Antonio get married. Or at least start planning on it. The world reacts. Take that where you will, use what couples you want, and traumatize whoever you can. Just give me some fun interaction between those two along the way.
(Recaptcha: composed wizard. So England's not surprised? ...I somehow doubt that.)

* Austria/Spain, France/Spain, South Italy:
Teenage Romano realizes Spain has a romantic/sex life with another nation, like Austria during all those long Hapsburg marriage years or France after the Spanish Succession war. Please with some buckets of teenage angst. XD

* Spain, England:
Anon would very much like to see...
Conquistador!Spain, invading and conquoring another country (or countries if Oh my Godrics Hollow loves me)...sexually.
or Alternatively...
Pirate!England invading and pillaging another country (or countries)...sexually.
Or maybe both~? (you beautiful, glorious, Anons, you)
Anyway it goes, don't be stingy on the details. ;3

* France/Spain/Prussia, England, South Italy:
Someone already requested this with fem!Prussia, buttt... can I see bad friends trio, with a female!Spain? Neither of the other two genderbended. I don't mind just interaction, at any point of history, but I certainly wouldn't mind a threesome there, either.
...France being handsy with Spain *still* just as oblivious would be great, too.
Bonus for England and Romano appearing, even if only for a bit, because why not.

* South Italy/United States, Spain:
Spain, one of the earliest explorers of the new world, takes grumpy little South Italy on a trip to the early Americas for exploring purposes (Collecting spices, whatever).
Romano goes off on his own (Spain got annoying), and comes across a strange native girl. She is very strong, rough and tumble and has the most beautiful blue eyes (Sound familiar?).
COUGH***Adorable, gender confused chibi-luv.
At first Romano pursues her only to chastise Chibi!America for not behaving like a proper lady (Short hair, swimming naked, and worst of all saving Romano from dangerous wildlife...DAS A MENZ JAWB!). However overtime he accepts his cuddly little crush...only to be dragged back to Spain's house, promising little America as he goes that he'll return to her one day.
Bonus: Romano calls America a Godless heathen, expecting to be slapped (He thinks it's cool to get slapped by girls because he's seen it happen to France and Spain alot) but instead gets punched in the nose.
Bonus: He cries like a big baby and America gives him an 'I'm sowwy' kissy.
Bonus: Overtime Romano becomes a polite gentleman in the presence of ladies as a result of his meeting America. Whether they realize/rekindle their childhood love is up to the writer.

* England/Cuba, Spain:
Pirate!England/Colonial!Cuba : A few months in paradise.
You know this is a first!
The request is basically for a fling between the two, during the brief period in 1762 when England took control of Cuba from Spain during the Seven Years War, opening ports and trade with England's North American and Caribbean colonies. Havana became the "third largest city in the new world and entered an era of sustained development and closening ties with North America" during this short time of less than a year!
Hot fling? Anyone? Anyone? Imagine Spain's fury guys!!
Furthermore, fun fact that the Treaty of Paris returned Cuba to Spain by the trading of Florida into British hands. History is fun.

* South Italy/Spain:
You're hot, father.
Romano seducing Priest!Spain in a church.

* Spain, North Italy/South Italy, Canada/United States:
Count~Crackula strikes!!
Romano gets pissed when he hears Spain admits he likes blonde twins, if he's in a threesome. Sooo N. Italy and S. Italy challenge Canada and America to a ...Twin off!. (Feliciano: IT WAS ROMANO'S IDEA! DON'T HURT ME!)
Both pairs of twins decide to square off using...
You know the drill, northies on top, fatties on bottom.
America: Hey you guys stole our idea!!
Somehow turn the heated battle into a double-decker-sexy-stupid-makeout-grope-fest.

* South Italy/Spain, France:
Fatherhood suits Lovino. He loves his and Spain's child (boy or girl, your choice) like crazy. I don't care how they got the child (adoption or mpreg) but there should be fluffy Spain/S. Italy child-rearing. :D
BONUS: Protective Mama Bear Lovino!
BONUS BONUS: Creepy Uncle Francis!

* South Italy, North Italy, Spain, Germany:
So, looking at the official Hetalia genderbends, I can't help but feel that Romano looks cuter and girlier than Veneziano does. I'd like to see some femRomano and femVeneziano bonding - maybe Veneziano is self conscious because guys always hit on her girly sister? And Romano having his old complex of "Everybody likes my little sister more than me because she's more talented"?
Bonus: Spain is the only one who never seems to realise how pretty Romano is, calling her a tomatoface and all.
Bonus 2: Germany likes his Italy tomboyish, thanks.

* United States/England, Spain/South Italy, France/Canada:
Couple watching pr0n together
Preferably somewhat cracktistic then leading to smutty sex involving either USA/UK, France/Canada or Spain/Romano.
Please, anons?

* Spain/South Italy:
Okay here goes.
Spain/Romano (whatever order), goes something like this:
Romano realizes that A: he loves Spain (Spain has already made his own affection clear by this point), and B: he will never ever be able to admit it, let alone do anything about it, if he has to see Spain's expression, due to his pride and embarrassment.
So he does the most logical thing he can think of: he turns off the lights one evening (or gets Spain to turn them off) and proceeds to communicate his feelings in as many nonverbal ways he can think of. Whether this leads to verbal expression when things get more intense is up to the author (please), but this anon doesn't think Romano would be likely to vocalize it unless a serious amount of passion was involved.
Human names v. Country names (don't care), who tops (if topping/bottoming even comes into play, since this anon REALLY has a thing for frot), whether any other pairings could be mentioned (they can), whatever, none of it matters. My only requests are that it be sweet, that the lights stay off, and that Romano doesn't immediately go back to his facepunch reflexes afterward (he can do that in the morning XD). I'd like to see them fall asleep together like a relatively normal couple. ("Normal" being as subjective as it is, I know.) If this sort of thing has been done, please let me know.

* Spain/South Italy:
I didn't see this posted anywhere else, so I'm sorry if it was there and I missed it.
Anyway, today is (was?) the Tomatina festival in Spain! You know, that HUGE tomato fight that's on such a massive scale that the streets are FLOODED with tomato pulp? That aside, this is some pretty obvious Spain/Romano fodder. Basically, my request is fairly simple: Spain and Romano participating in the Tomatina. The author can do whatever they want from there, but no smut please. I think you should be able to have a little fun with this request. Do your best!

* Japan, Spain, United States, China/England:
I'd like England being tortured, as graphically as possible, by one of Japan/Spain/America or China.
Possible scenarios:
Japan capturing him during WW2
Spain trying to force him back to the catholic church
America convinced he's harbouring terrorists
China taking revenge for the opium wars.
If you want to include sex as a bonus, that's fine, but I'd prefer dubcon- England using sex to try to stop the torture. Please no rape.

* Spain/England:
Under Henry VIII Spain and England were allies for a while. I'd like Spain seducing a young, naive England who is in awe of him. Please include this line: Please, Spain, my eternal sun, please fuck me harder!'

* United States/England, South Italy/Spain, France/Canada, North Italy/Germany, Finland/Sweden:
Nation A finds Nation B sitting outside in a torential downpour, thoroughly depressed and convinced that no one likes him. A takes B home and takes care of him with dry clothes, blankets, hot chocolate, cuddling, etc. and proves to him that someone, namely A, does love him.
I could go for a couple different pairings here, namely: UK/US, Romano/Spain, Cuba/Canada, Italy/Germany, Finland/Sweden (as A and B, respectively). Not looking for smut, just some cute.

* United States/England, Spain/South Italy, Cuba/Canada, North Italy/Germany, Greece/Japan, Finland/Sweden:
Talking penises.
Now that I have your attention (and yes, the title is related to the request).
I'm fairly sure someone here must know one of the most well-loved yaoi mangas out there, Chinko no Tsubuyaki aka Chintsubu.
The, ahem, plot, goes like this: during an accident in a school trip, Toride, who has always loved his classmate Ayase, goes in a coma because he protected him. But his feelings for Ayase were so strong, that his spirit, while out of his body, ended up... on Ayase's penis. Now, Ayase's penis, against all logic, has a life of its own, and Ayase and Toride get into a lovey-dovey relationship (with the latter body's still on a coma).
But they were not the only ones affected. Iwabuchi and Kamiya, two guys with a strained relationship, also got something out of it. Their penises now have the personality of the other. Stern penis!Iwabuchi now tries to help playboy Kamiya... and, penis!Kamiya, a big, deredere crybaby, unlike this very tsundere body, is being pampered with costumes and clothing by Iwabuchi.
So their quest to get rid of such a weird situation begins.
The manga is even crazier, funnier and more wonderful than this summary, believe me. If you ever need a laugh, I heartily recommend it.
So, you probably know where I'm going. Whether you know the manga and you want to attempt to follow the plot, or just give me talking penises with someone else's personality, go for it.
Human names, Nation names, AU or canon, whatever.
Preferred pairings are Spain/S. Italy, Germany/N. Italy, UK/US, France/Canada, Greece/Japan, Sweden/Finland, but of course you don't have to include them all. :3
Oh, and if you can manage Gilbert and Awesomecock *cough* in there, I'll love you forever 8D. Feel free to throw him switching penises with someone unexpected and lulzy.
reCaptcha: jinx stiff. oh lol.

* Spain/South Italy, North Italy/Germany, Prussia:
The Newlyweds Game
Germany and N. Italy vs. Spain and S. Italy
Bonus: Prussia is the host.
Bonus 2: To everyone's surprise, Spain and Romano totally kick Germany and Veneziano's asses.

* England/France, South Italy/Spain, Austria/Prussia:
Bad Cougar Trio
1) Takes the Bad Friends trio
2) Genderbend them
3) Make them bored and wanting to play a game/makes a bet with eachother: Whoever can get their respective tsundere or frenemy to date and lay them first wins whatever they decided to bet on.
France: England
Spain: Southern Italy
Prussia: Austria
So basically, there is gonna be a lot of fail seducing, oblivious men, each one determined to win, and maybe one of these actually end up staying together...?
Whoever wins is up to authornon, but bonus is Prussia takes a break halfway through the game to play on her crush on Northern Italy and let him take her on dates while the others have to suffer rejection tee hee

* England/United States, Spain/South Italy, France/Canada:
Anon-who-is-not-the-OP-of-the-other-prompt-referenced was surfing the web looking for the possible origin of the platonic kissing quote above, and wound up finding an interesting called "A Beginner's Guide to Kissing" and came across this line:
"Candy Kiss: Use either a jolly rancher or some other hard candy or mint. Either you or your partner place the candy in your/their mouth and then its like a game of keep away. Whoever starts tries to keep the candy in their mouth while the other person tries to get it in theirs. But you can only use your tongue and lips."
I honestly think it sounds rather sweet. So...pairing is up to anons (though I do like UK/US, Spain/Romano, and France/Canada), but I want to see this kiss. Please?

* Anyone/Spain:
15th Century!Antonio thinks silk stockings are really cool; his lover disagrees (and continually tries to put runs and tears in them).
Anon prefers smut for this prompt. :3

* France/Spain/Prussia:
AU High School. Their on top of the school roof, ditching class and discussing their crushes, chatting about what they would do to them if they got to bed them. France with Canada, Spain with S.Italy, and Prussia with Germany. Eventually, they try to outdo each other until one cracks and pins another down.
Multiple positions are encouraged, but would like them to say their crushes names instead of each others. Whoever bottoms or if DP comes into play is up to the Anon.
Bonus if one or all of their "objects-of-desire" hear them or watch from the crack in the rooftop door.

japan, south italy, finland, cuba, china, greece, united states, north italy, canada, prussia, sweden, austria, england, france

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