APH/Drrr comic strip

Nov 01, 2011 06:03

Is there anyway someone could maybe please translate this comic for me?


I found it on zerochan awhile back, and have been waiting a long time for someone to translate it, but i'm not sure if/when thats gonna happen. A few other ppl have asked but...

I'm really sorry if this post isn't allowed or if I broke any rules >_<. I read through them all but I still think i'm a little confused on a few parts... Like as to whether we are even allowed to post links from other sites on here and what have you.

If I did do this wrong, I sincerely apologize DX.

But I would really super appreciate a translation. Been waiting to read this thing for months ^^'.

russia, doujin, linking, england, prussia, america, doujinshi

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