Hello everyone :) Please excuse me if I post this incorrectly (feel free to delete if this post is total fail mods).
We are looking for translators/scanlators for our newly created comm,
takeyume.livejournal.com/. Since
lost_hitsu and I had so much fun translating the April Fool's Bloodbath strips, we've decided to create a new community that's dedicated to translating Himaruya's blog posts/strips. We'll be updating this comm whenever we can with our translations of Himaruya's blog posts since we feel that unfortunately most of the recent blog posts haven't been translated. We've enlisted the help of
taleness but we'd love to have more scanlators to help them out. If you are interested in translating/scanlating for us, we'd be very grateful :) We're pretty flexible and it's all for fun, so let us know if you're interested!
cross-posted to