Title: Tell Me More, Tell Me More
pyrrhiccomedy Prompt: "America/Poland fic! I am pinging on this too-Catholic-to-put-out thing
you're mentioning, because I could see them both with immense,
frustrating hangups. I want some comedy clinginess between them over
their shared EPIC CHEMISTRY, and I want them both to want each other
but not want to sleep with each other because, um, no. Does not have
to comply with or reference any particular historical event, but if
you want to reference (for example) one of Pope John Paul II's tours,
I would not mind a bit. Perfectly all right with PG-13 and below."
Pairings: America/Poland. Canada and Lithuania are also around.
Rating/Warnings: PG-13, no warnings!
Summary: America and Poland go on a--date? ("It wasn't a date!") And it ends in...disaster, or something--neither of them are too sure. It definitely calls for a second opinion.
Link: ((
"Oh my God Liet, like, oh my God, oh my God--"))