It's a little past 12:00 AM EST on Sunday, April 25, and as such, posting is officially open!
You have until 11:59 PM EST on Saturday, May 1 to post your fills, unless I've granted you an extension.
Here are the guidelines for posting your fills, if you need the refresher:
* Fills can be any rating, from G to NC-17, but all mature content should be clearly warned for in the header, if it's present. Failure to warn adequately may result in the deletion of your post.
* Fic fills must be at least 800 words long, and ideally should be proofed and beta-read.
* Art fills should look like they've had some effort invested in them -- no doodles on notebook paper, please.
* Posting begins at 12:00 AM EST on Sunday, April 25, 2010 and closes at 11:59 PM PST on Saturday, May 1, 2010. You may post your fill at any time during this week, and you're free to advertise it on other communities or on your own journals, if you so choose. Posting is your responsibility.
* As mentioned above, participants who wish to remain anonymous can post their fills on a specially-created mod account. I will give anonymous participants the username and password to this account when I e-mail them their lists of requests; it is the anonymous poster's responsibility to log into that account sometime during the week and post their fill.
* Place all fic and art under a cut, though you can post a 300x300 teaser image of artwork if you so choose. Not sure how to create a cut?
Check this out.
* If you prefer, you can post your fic/art on your own journal and provide a link to it on the comm, as long as you remember to post to the comm with that link. (You're also free to advertise your fic/art on any community you so choose.)
* Use some form of this header. The header should be placed outside the LJ-cut.
Author/Artist: [anonymous participants will use the pseudonym they've picked out]
Prompt: [the prompt that you're filling -- please repost the prompt in its entirety, so your requester knows sie's gotten a fill!]
(Fanart fills don't require a title or summary.)
Tagging Etiquette
* Tag your post! This makes finding fills a lot easier.
* Tag for the round, the fill type, the filler, the rating, and the pairing.
* Fills for the Spring 2010 round should use the "round: spring 2010" tag.
* Art fills should use the "fill: art" tag. Fic fills should use the "fill: fic" tag.
* Tags for the filler should be formatted like so: "filler: [your name here]".
* The Hetalia Rarepairs Exchange uses the
MPAA ratings system. Figure out where your fill fits in that scheme, and tag it with the appropriate "rating: [g/pg/pg-13/r/nc-17]" tag. NC-17 content does not have to be locked, but it MUST be clearly labeled as such.
* For pairings, format the tag like so: "pairing: [pairing goes here]". The Nation whose name appears first in the alphabet should be listed first -- "pairing: america/france" is correct, "pairing: france/america" is not.
Have fun, everyone! You'll need to be a member of the community to post to it, so if you haven't already joined, now's the time to do so.
Also, if one of your requests has been filled, make sure to leave a comment on the fill and tell your filler thanks!