Well, we've had a few close calls, but I'm pleased to report that almost everyone got their stuff in -- or is in the process of getting it in now.
There are, however, some of you who haven't -- and this is where it becomes a little urgent, because there are still a few people who did participate in the challenge but haven't yet received fills. I apologize immensely to those people; a few of you do have fic or art in the works and will be receiving it soon, but a few fillers haven't contacted me yet about the status of their fills, so I'm hesitant to issue any more guarantees.
If you haven't yet submitted a fill, or if you have a few outstanding requests that you told me you'd fill but haven't yet, email me within the next 24 hours and let me know where you stand. Are you almost finished, but just need a little bit more time to tweak? Is it likely that you'll be able to complete everything you committed to, or is the fic/art just not happening? If you honestly don't think you'll be able to finish within the week, please let me know that. Once I have a better sense of what pieces are actually coming in and what pieces aren't, I'll send out the call for pinch-hitters. (
Here's the group, if you'd like to add yourself to the list I've already assembled.)
Thanks, guys -- you've been awesome thus far, now just bear with me a little longer!