Title: Don't reckon this is flying, but...
fourteen_kitesPairing(s): America/Australia
Prompt: "I'm not sure if this falls under the category of "happy, dorky things," but I would love to see them adventuring and/or interacting with wildlife in Australia. Some suggestions: snorkelling at the Great Barrier Reef, swimming with dolphins in Jervis Bay, feeding orphan kangaroos and wallabies at Myella (
http://www.myella.com/), canyoning (described as a combination of abseiling, sliding down waterfalls and jumping into deep pools of water)-but those are just ideas. Whether they are hanging out as friends or as romantic partners, I leave up to you. Thank you if you accept this request, and no worries if you don't!"
Rating: G
Full size version, if you wanted~)
Somehow I don't think you can actually jump off
Glen Helen Gorge like this without injuring yourself. But, well, since when have these two cared... I just wanted to draw them jumping off something in nothing but swimming trunks. Uh.
Also, I'm sorry I fail so hard at backgrounds. OTL
So please have a really random extra: