For the artists whose writers have dropped out, this is a new pair up post for you. Please choose any of these stories to be your new assignment.
Once you've chosen your new story, we will send the finished draft and the writer details a.s.a.p.
We will use the same rules as the pair up post:
1. Choose the top 3 stories you want to work with.
2. First come first serve.
3. We will assign your most preferred story (your #1 choice) to you if it's not already chosen by anyone else.
Use this form below:
LJ Username:Choices: Choose your top three stories; it's a first come first serve basis, so you might not always get your top choice.
1. (put the number and title of the story you preferred the most)
Title: The Six Degrees of Separation
Character(s): Greece, Egypt, Japan, Turkey, France, England, America, Canada, Finland, Sweden, Sealand, North and South Italy, Russia, Germany, Prussia, Austria, Hungary, Spain, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, China, South Korea <--hopefully, if I don’t decide to exclude some of them
Pairing(s): France/England, Turkey/Japan, Germany/North Italy, Spain/South Italy, Lithuania/Poland, etc. etc. depending on the flow of the story ;A;
Rating: G as of now
Warning: AU, human names, shifting POVs, language shifts (which I really hope people won’t get confused by)
Summary: It’s exactly as the title suggests. The story starts with Herakles and Hassan working in a fruit shake stand in southern Osaka. They meet Kiku, who’s the teacher of Alfred and Matthew, who are the children of Arthur. Sadiq is Arthur’s colleague, who develops the hots for Kiku. Herakles is not amused. Francis is Arthur’s baker friend who helped him one time when Alfred and Matthew got lost in Osaka. Francis is friends with Antonio, who owns a dance studio. He’s had a rough relationship with Lovino, who works in a bar Arthur frequents. Lovino’s brother Feliciano and his boyfriend Ludwig come and visit from Europe, because Feli was Kiku’s classmate and more things happen.
Title: A Ship In Harbor
Character(s): Germany, Italy, Prussia, Romano
Pairing(s): Germany/Italy
Rating: PG-13
Warning: themes, language
Summary: [AU] Ludwig, a college student for whom organization is life and chaos is a road to failure, finds himself challenged when he starts to care for Feliciano- a classmate full of disorder, full of life that Ludwig has been missing out on.
Title: Caged Emotions
Character(s): America, Canada, China, Japan, and Russia.
Pairing(s): RussiaxChina. Implied/ take it that way if you wish:
USxUK, and ChinaxJapan.
Rating: PG-13
Warning: A bit of (English) swearing, (Russian) violence, and
wow it's kinda cheesy.
Summary: Yao was a huge enigma for Ivan. There was a mysterious air about him, that Ivan couldn’t help, but be attracted to. Too bad Yao wanted nothing to do with him.
Title: L'amour sera convulsif
Character(s): Francis, Arthur, Gilbert, Alfred (mention of others : Matthew, Ivan...)
Pairing: Francis/Arthur (with some Alfred/Matthew in the background)
Rating: T
Warning: sexual innuendos, swearing
Summary: Arthur is a rebellious teenager, the kind always ready to fight or to read a book. One day, he has the displeasure to meet the only teacher he didn't want to ever see again. But somehow they manage to tame each other... but what happens when the unknown isn't so... unknown anymore?
Mod's Note:The draft is still in French.
Title: How to Be a Hero
Character(s): America, Canada, a few humans
Pairing(s): None, just brotherly stuff
Rating: PG-ish.
Warning: None
Summary: The weather is dreadful, and Canada is depressed. He's burnt out and tired and nothing seems to matter. America's heroic efforts only serve to confuse and annoy him now. It's going to be a long and dreary night, but America's determined to prove to his brother that it's not so foolish to want to change the world - not as nations, but as human beings.
Title: No Man’s Land (working title)
Character(s): Matthew, Arthur, Alfred, Francis
Pairing(s): eventual Alfred/Arthur, (possible) hinted Francis/Matthew
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Use of human nation names
Summary: A comment by Francis about Arthur “pining over Alfred for long enough” prompts Arthur after some thought to try to move on to forge a stronger relationship - as friends rather than a one-sided love - with Alfred. Arthur confides in Matt his plan to stop treating Alfred (the individual, not the nation, that is) as special. Matt, who strongly suspects/knows about Al’s feelings, decides to back Arthur anyway (by non-interference), mainly because Arthur seemed truly serious about his decision. Over the next few months, Arthur draws back somewhat (for example - calmly pointing out the flaws in Al’s world conference plans instead of getting into raging fights with the other nation, trying not to overreact when others tease about the problems with the special relationship, etc), prompting Al to turn to Matt over Arthur’s really weird attitude, because, well, Alfred doesn’t know if he likes the new way Arthur’s been treating him or not, and Arthur’s not giving him any answers despite the many times Al’s confronted him about it. Matt listens and watches, and waits for something to give.
Title: The Great Race
Character(s): America, England, France
Pairing(s): gen
Rating: PG
Warning: none
Summary: steampunk/alternate history; England is setting out to invent the world’s first airship (and rubber bands). America is setting out to prove him wrong, and create a practical wireless radiotelegraphy system. And France is out to generally annoy them both.