Title: "La Disfida di Barletta"
Author: J.J.
Warning: None
Notes: The background picture is the 'Manifesto in memoria del IV Centenario della Disfida di Barletta' and, of course, isn't mine. Credits for it are to its author.
Also, among the 13 Italian kinghts there were some that were from north Italy too, but since the challenge took place in south Italy and the most of the knights were southerns I preferred to draw Romano only. Consider this his challenge. :P Spain is also there because he was the one that kind of caused the challenge between French and Italian knights.
"Axis Powers Hetalia" belong to Himaruya Hidekaz. I'm merely using his characters because I love them...
1503/02/13. The Challenge of Barletta. Extra note:
For who's interested to know...
The challenge of Barletta (Apulia) was a chivalrous competition between 13 Italian knights and 13 French knights that ended with the victory of the Italian knights.
Among the Italian knights there were 8 from south Italy, 2 from center Italy and 3 from north Italy.
The challenge took place during the time in wich France and Spain were fighting for the control of Italy. It seems it was orchestrated by a Spanish captain who wanted to cheer up the troops and get support from the Italians. He purposely irrated the French knights saying the Italians were better fighter than them. The French knights didn't take it well and one of them insulted the Italians ones. As a result a challenge was issued.