Title: "Regional strips 01: Meet Lombardia!"
Author: J.J.
Warning: I might have failed in portraying correctly the regions involved. If that's the case just tell me. Those were done out of love for the Italian regions, not with the intent to offend someone.
Notes: After drawing the characterization for the Italian regions I ended up having ideas for them and drawing LOT of strips about them so... here there's one. It's nowhere near to the APH standards but well, I'm not Himaruya-san...
Characters: Lombardia (Alberto Vargas), North Italy Veneziano (Feliciano Vargas), Lazio (Lucio Vargas), Campania (Antonio Vargas) & Insubria (Carla Vargas).
Time: Modern time.
Disclaimer: "Axis Powers Hetalia" belongs to Himaruya Hidekaz.
Hey, do I own something here? Oh yes, I own the plot and a sensible heart which would surely break if you give me harsh reviews... so please be honest but nice ok? Oh and the representation of the Italian regions are mine as well
Summary: Why Lombardia isn't exactly liked by his other siblings...
What inspired this
The best known trait of Lombardia is not only that he's a hard worker... but that he believes he's the only one who's working. In the whole world. No country is safe. Probably, according to him not even God is working as hard as him.
So he's generally considered annoying by his siblings because he always complains about them not working as hard as him and not doing what he says.
And since they keep on not listening him he complains he wants to get rid of them... which is ironically fun because Lombardia was one of the main supporters of Italian unification.
If you're wondering why, as targets of his wrath, I chose Lazio and Campania is because well, Lazio has the funniest threats... and Campania is the sort of guy that wouldn't get upset about such minor things... (at least in my headcanon).
Personally I love Lombardia... but I fear among his siblings he's the less loved due to his annoying character... He can't help it though...
Lombardia & Insubria
In case you're not familiar with my OCs the girl behind Lombardia is Insubria, a wannabe region whose house is basically in the northern part of Lombardia's house.
They look very alike because people from Lombardia's house in the past was called Lombards but also Insubres.
Lombardia's proverb of the day
A chi sa fa, ghe tocca de sgobbà. (Milanese version)
A chi sa fare, tocca sgobbare. (Italian version)
Who knows how to do it, must do it.
Giovanni D'Anzi - Mia Cara Lombardia
An old song about Lombardia, written by Giovanni D'Anzi, the author of 'Oh mia bela Madunina', the song that represent Milano.
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