Title: "Nation Repubblica Italiana"
Author: J.J.
Warning: None
Notes: This takes part to the project:
Draw your Chibi Italian region.
"Axis Powers Hetalia" belong to Himaruya Hidekaz. I'm merely using his characters because I love them...
Summary: Character profile for Italy... Well, no, not really, Himaruya-san already draw Italy and made his their character profiles, but since I was at it, I draw ChibiVeneziano and ChibiRomano and stuck them in a profile
Nation Italia (Italia Settentrionale - Veneziano)
Nation Italia - Italia Meridionale - Romano
Extra note:
For who's interested to know...
Profiles for Veneziano & Romano were already written by Himaruya-san. In case you don't know their human names are Feliciano Vargas and Lovino Vargas. Also, it seems Feliciano owns a cat named Gino.
Italy isn't technically divided in just north and south. There's north Italy, central Italy, south Italy, insular Italy. Reading APH is possible to assume Romano represent the kingdom of the two Sicilies... however it never included Rome. Rome was in the Papal State, which might have been bullied by Spain here and there but never owned by him. Reading APH we see that Veneziano represented alternatively the kingdom of Savoy (Piedmont), the Duchy of Milan (Lombardy), the republic of Venice (Veneto), the republic of Florence (Tuscany), Corsica, Savoy, Nice. Mind you, all the overmentioned states had very different histories and relations with the neaby states. They also fought one agains the other.
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