Title: "Regione Veneto"
Author: J.J.
Warning: None
Notes: This takes part to the project:
Draw your Chibi Italian region.
"Axis Powers Hetalia" belong to Himaruya Hidekaz. I'm merely using his characters because I love them...
Summary: Character profile for Veneto.
Regione Veneto
Extra note:
For who's interested to know...
Of course there's a lot more to say about Veneto... but I didn't have that much space... ^_-
As far as I'm involved, although Veneto, as a region, had birth in 1947, as a Hetalia character hehas been living for a much longer time and therefore he's much more older.
If you ask me Veneto's human name is Mario (like Mario Rigoni Stern) while his pet winged lion is named Daniele (like Daniele Manin).
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