Title: "Regione Marche"
Author: J.J.
Warning: None
Notes: This takes part to the project:
Draw your Chibi Italian region.
"Axis Powers Hetalia" belong to Himaruya Hidekaz. I'm merely using his characters because I love them...
Summary: Character profile for Marche.
Regione Marche
Extra note:
For who's interested to know...
Of course there's a lot more to say about Marche... but I didn't have that much space... ^_-
I've read on Wikipedia there's some confusion about Marche's name. The region in Italy is called 'Marche', just 'Marche', not 'Le Marche' although, when speaking about it we place the article 'le' in front to its name in the same way as we place an article in front of all the regions' names (IL Piemonte, LA Lombardia, La Campania, LA Sicilia). Going on. 'Marche' means 'marches'. Yes, this region's name is plural because it was created placing together some marches. Now on wikipedia it seems people isn't sure if to use the Italian name or its translation. To make my life simple I use the Italian one.
To create Marche I had quite a bunch of problems because this region is tecnically rather young, so, if real life was the Hetalia world, the marches that were united to give birth to it would probably be still alive and kicking (like Prussia and Romano). I was unsure if to have Marche as a 'new region' who had birth in 1850, kind of like how Germany had birth, or if to deal with him the same way Hetalia does with Veneziano. He's just a part of Italy but he kind of became the 'dominant/representative' part. In the end I decided this is Italy so the Italian way had to be applied for Marche too like I did with Tuscany, although Tuscany as a whole existed by a longer time. Marche is basically nothing else as the Marca di Ancona (Marca Anconitana) that took the leadership of the Marche as well as the name. Why? It seems in its past the Marca di Ancona had moment in which he inglobated his siblings and also Ancona s the capitol of the Marche so it was fitting. From what I've heard however in the Marche they hadn't accepted yet that Ancona is the capitol so... Ancona's twins don't plan to leave the Marche, they just argues about WHY he's the leader. No idea if it's a fitting interpretation. Someone from the Marche is welcome to suggest a better one.
As far as I'm involved, although Marche, as a region, had birth in 1947, as a Hetalia character he has been living for a much longer time and therefore he's much more older.
If you ask me his human name is Ciriaco (like Ciriaco Pizzecolli) while his pet woodpecker is named Gioachino (like Gioachino Rossini). His city, Ancona, is a girl named Stamira like Ancona's heroine.
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