[FANFIC] Wife Swap [1/?]

Jul 18, 2010 17:19

Title: Wife Swap [1/?]
Author: luludenden
Rating/Warnings: T for potty mouth and sexual references
Pairing(s): PrussiaXAustria, SpainXRomano, GermanyXItaly, FrUK , HungaryXAustria to begin with
Prompt: I’d really like a Gakuen AU with any of these three pairings- SpainxRomano, USxUK, or PrussiaxAustria! Lots of fluff!
Notes: Will also be posted on fanfiction.net/deviantart when I can be bothered. This is my attempt at fluffy comedy, which uses a LOT of lame cliche. Also, there are POV switches and passages of time, which are indicated by: ---

It was the time of year that everyone dreaded. It was dreaded even more so than exams, because even the teachers displayed the utmost dismay as they realised just what time of year it was. Why all this disdain? It was the school charity week, leading up to the fair on Friday. This meant of course, that Arthur Kirkland, school council president, would be bugging just about everyone to sign up.
Antonio, a tan Spanish boy, lay back in his seat, not really listening to what the president had to say, letting his pencil hang lazily between his lips. His green eyes floated over towards the Italian a few seats away, a large hair curl sticking up from the crest of his hair line. Lovino.
“Lovi~” he hummed, just loud enough for the other boy to hear. Only it seemed that Lovino hadn’t heard him. “Lovi,” he hissed, attempting to get the Italian’s attention again.
He certainly did get his attention. Lovino turned, glared, and threw a tomato shaped rubber at his face. It hit perfectly, making contact with a lot of momentum between his eyes. The Spaniard rubbed his nose in pain. He had bought that rubber for Lovi too.
“…And so I think you should all sign up for stalls in the charity fair this year.” Arthur finished with an enthusiastic flourish of the ruler he had been using to emphasise his words. Antonio looked around. Just as he had expected, there was no response. The Brit at the front rubbed his temples in irritation, and then began to speak again. “I really didn’t want to reveal this, but the stall that makes the most money wins this.” He rummaged in his bag and produced two slips of paper. “Two free V.I.P tickets to the summer concert in town this year.”
There was an immediate reaction in the room; everyone came alive with whoops, gasps and cheers. Antonio had been one of the cheerers. As the room full of teenagers left the room, the Spanish boy jogged up behind Lovino and tapped him on the shoulder. “Lovi, we should run a stall together.”
The Italian boy swung round, absolutely fuming, then stormed towards his locker. “Lovi~ Don’t ignore me!” Lovino slammed the door of his locker shut. “Why would I want to run a stall with you, bastard?! You annoy me, you can’t leave me alone and then your stupid friends are always around! Why can’t you run a stall with them and give me a day’s peace huh?!”
Antonio sighed as the grumpy Italian rushed off to his next class. He loved Lovino, he really did, but sometimes he wished the boy needed him, instead of going it alone.
A few lockers down, a very tall blonde boy was reordering the books in his locker for the third time that morning. Why on earth did his locker partner insist on ruining the designated placing of everything? He grumbled, finally getting around to exchanging his own books to his bag.
“Ludwig!” The blonde was practically pushed to the floor by said locker partner. A boy with chestnut hair and sparkling brown eyes smiled widely at the blonde. “What lesson do we have now?”
Ludwig sighed, pulling the boys books from the locker, smiling as the other boy grinned widely. “Feliciano, you need to be more responsible and learn your lessons next year.”
Feliciano simply smiled, bouncing off towards whatever he thought was the next class.
“Feliciano! It’s this way!”
The brunettes span around and ran over, still smiling like a buffoon, and grasped Ludwig’s hand, entwining them in his own. Ludwig blushed, holding Feliciano’s hand tightly and guiding the Italian through the crowded corridors. He loved Feliciano, he really did, but sometimes he wished the boy was a little more independent.
Francis, for once, let his vision wander from the British school council president to one of his two best friends. Gilbert Weillschmidt, an egotistical albino boy, wasn’t laid back as he was usually. On the contrary, Francis was surprised to see his German friend fidgeting and tapping his pen on the desk, the red gaze of the albino fixed on something.
Francis tilted his head to the side, brushing his long blonde hair behind one ear. Gilbert had certainly piqued his interest. Carefully observing the albino with deep blue eyes, he worked out just exactly what his best friend was gazing at with such intent.
Roderich Edelstein was a brunette boy with an affinity for music, his hair was always neatly smoothed back and a pair of spectacles were permanently perched on his nose. A beauty spot marked the corner of his face, and Francis had to admit he was quite a beautiful boy, even though his favourite would always be Arthur. He approved highly of Gilbert’s choice. However, Roderich had a girlfriend, a real expert when it came to using kitchenware as weapons, who happened to be an old friend of Gilbert’s; Elizaveta Hedervary. She would prove to be a problem.
Francis sat back in his seat, satisfied with his work. Not only had he found out some juicy gossip about his best friend, he had a plan to set things in motion. And hopefully that plan would get him closer to Arthur.

AN: Sorry for the short first chapter! I hope you enjoyed this part.
EDIT: This may or may not be continued on my FF.net account, author name is the same as my name here. Yeah I know. I suck. :I

character: italy (south), character: austria, character: germany, character: prussia, character: france, character: hungary, pairing: austriaxprussia, fanfiction, pairing: englandxfrance, character: england, character: spain, pairing: italy (south)xspain, character: italy (north), pairing: germanyxitaly (north), rating: pg-13

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