Hello everyone! Fluffathon is officially over, but honestly? You all can keep posting and finishing up fanworks if you're still working on them, as long as you can finish them within the next couple of weeks.
This post is actually about the community. I don't really have the time or interest to run it any longer, for various reasons. I'd be totally willing to hand it over to someone else. You're welcome to do what you wish with it- run ficathons at different times, more than once a year, run an exchange, whatever. I only ask that you keep the main theme of the community- which is APH fluff for all pairings and characters.
If you're interested in taking over, please reply and give me a bit of a blurb as to why you think you'd be good at the job and why you're interested. It only needs to be a few sentences. :)
Thank you~!