Announcing the...

Aug 15, 2010 17:31


-Past today (midnight CST) no new claims will be allowed. You MAY claim prompts up to that time though. Remember, you are allowed up to three claims no matter what. You may claim a fourth prompt if and only if you have completed and posted one of your prompts.
-Tomorrow the thirty day amnesty period begins. I'm doing this because I know many of you have expressed that you've been really pressed for time and unable to complete your prompts within the allotted time (whether due to back to school, other fandom activities, etc.). I figured that thirty extra days would help everyone. :D
-And of course, you can use this extra time to grab another claim or two if you wish!
-Lastly, I had someone ask me if they were allowed to do two fanworks for a claim. I don't mind at all. You can do as many as you wish. It's your claim.

Here is the claims post.

The amnesty period ends on SEPTEMBER FOURTEENTH. I'm not picky about time zones in regards to that, so just... as long as it is still September fourteenth somewhere in the world.


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