Title: Snippets [1/1]
Author: Melly
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Japan/Taiwan (Meilan) (main), heavily implied France/Canada, Us/Uk, Germany/Italy, and blink-and-you’ll-miss-it Russia/China.
Warnings: Fluff overload.
Summary: Meilan is tired of guessing if her feelings towards Kiku are reciprocated, so she’s given herself 24 hours to find out once and for all. Prompt: Taiwan wonders if Japan has feelings for her, and tries to analyze every action/conversation he has to find out.
A/N: For
aph_fluffathon. A big, big thank you to whoever requested this! I don’t see much of this pairing around, so I was happy to scoop up a prompt with it. Enjoy!
Only it wasn't something tangible anymore