[fic] And Lately It's So Cold [America/Canada oneshot]

Aug 04, 2010 10:21

Title: And Lately It's So Cold
Author: Seatalia
Rating/Warnings: PG
Pairing(s): America/Canada
Prompt: 'America visits Canada and can't quite handle the cold, so Canada gives America his hoodie to keep him warm.' Set during the Vancouver Olympics!
Notes: So happy I got this done before I went on vacation! I've only written Canada once before so I hope I have his characterization down. The announcement America hears on the train was a part of a real announcement used during the Olympics. There are also some pop culture references alluding to this year's Olympics in this fic, so kudos if you can spot them. Hope you guys enjoy this! And thanks to gasmask for betaing!

“So wait, are you coming?”

“You bet! Why would I miss the Opening Ceremonies, Matt?”

“Well, I mean, your train was delayed last time you came and what with all the traffic from the people coming in from all over -“

He cuts his brother off - there’s a chuckle in his voice. “Matt. I’ll be there. Calm down.”

Because he’s had to transfer from plane to plane to train to train again, America’s rear end is beginning to get sore, and his team is getting restless. Shaun White is shifting around in his seat, listening to loud music through too-large headphones, and he can practically feel the heat from Evan Lysacek and Johnny Weir’s glares burning a hole in the back of his head. He knows that they’re supposed ‘rivals’, but they really need to give it a rest. Stephen Colbert won’t stop talking his ear off - he loves the guy, but really, he already has a Wriststrong bracelet - why does he need another one?

“Welcome aboard the Olympic line. The line is in service until the twenty first of March.” America is going to hear that a lot over the next three weeks.

With aching feet, America steps off the train at the Olympic village. His brother is waiting for him in a giant red parka and a red and black scarf with maple leaves on it by the waterfront. America shivers just looking at him - the United States Opening Ceremonies outfit is just a thick track jacket and snow pants. In retrospect, he wishes he thought that one through earlier.

Canada pushes the snow goggles he’s wearing onto the top of his head, revealing thick glasses that he has to keep pushing up and up his nose - they’re hand me downs from America and are way too big to fit his face. He gives America a smile and a little wave and beckons him over.

“Tim Hortons?” The curlicue of hair that dangles out from the rest of Canada’s hair wiggles as he talks. This is one of America’s favorite things about his brother.

“Tim Hortons.” America holds out his fist and ‘pounds it’.

They tour the Olympic Village and catch up with old friends. Japan’s already made it there. America and Canada make it a point to make a pit stop where he’s staying and pester him for new details on the new Pokemon game with eager eyes. Japan shakes his head politely and turns them away. “I must decline. I cannot reveal any information at this time.” With their hopes crushed, the three take the time to sit on a bench and pit America’s Infernape against Canada’s Torterra as Japan looks on eagerly.

Canada finds a soda machine and orders a bottle of Coke, then gets hit in the back with a snowball. He throws one in a random direction and goes back to his Pokemon battle with his shivering brother. Eventually, America gets beaned in the head and the fight escalates into a competition between the nations, and Canada can’t help but sip from the bottle and feel that somehow, this ruckus would make a really great commercial.

Day turns into night and they’ve already made two more pit stops at Tim Hortons on the sightseeing trip around Vancouver they planned. Canada’s just as addicted to Timbits as America is to Munchkins and somehow this sends a surge of pride through his body. He can’t wait to turn Canada on to funnel cake. The coffee here’s a little weaker than he’s used to, but America thinks he’ll manage alright. Despite the five cups of decaf he’s drank today, though, he can’t help but feel like he’s going to turn into a Popsicle any second. They’re at the opening ceremonies, sitting in a section reserved specially for their kind. Alfred wishes he could march in the parade of nations with his athletes, but they all decided against it as it would seem suspicious if someone was in the opening ceremonies parade and then was never seen again. It’s a pity, because he and his brother were really gunning to march this year. England and Germany just have to ruin the fun for everyone all the time. It’s not like he can do anything about it now, though. But still he’s back in his uniform, matching his athletes and gleaming with pride, and still he’s freezing. It’s weird, because he’s seen colder, much colder; he does have Alaska, after all - but somehow he can’t shake off the freezing feeling. What’s worse was that he couldn’t stop shivering. It gave off a bad vibe, the wrong impression. Heroes were strong. Heroes did not shiver.

He’s surprised when he feels the freeze wear off. His shoulders are a lot heavier, and a lot redder. Canada’s just opened up his bag and given him his red hoodie that America’s seen him with so much.

“Matt, what are you doing?” America tries to glare at him, but he’s sincerely appreciative, so the expression that comes out is just all sorts of awkward.

“Just take it. Your teeth’ve been chattering all day, Alfred!” Canada gives him what they’ve come to know as the ‘downplay hand’ and shrugs his shoulders.

America smiles, gives his brother a quick hug, and proceeds to steal his last Timbit.

character: america, rating: g-pg, fanfiction, character: canada, pairing: americaxcanada

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