Happy Birthday, Bekah! (and a drive-by hi)

Jan 22, 2015 18:15

I just wanted to make sure I popped in to wish MsedOpportunity the happiest of birthdays!

I was hoping I'd have an update of her fic to go with this, but my writing load is stacked a bit high.

More on that in the next post.

I once again let my flist get to the point of not even the 90 entries allowed covering you guys. I'm thinking of removing George R.R. Martin's LJ from the feed. See, I keep him there waiting for something like "just turned in my Winds of Winter manuscript," and all I get is football this, football that... You are taking up valuable space, George, talking about things besides what I want to hear! (Yes. I am an entitled fan).

Anyway, am working on catching up and commenting. I stopped and started in early January, so I'll see what all you guys have been up to since. In the meantime...

A very merry and very belated Christmas and a retroactive Happy New Year!!!!

Oh, the things I've done while away! I've... worked, wrote, cleaned, cook. My God! I've done NOTHING.

I will find lots of words to talk about all of those things. I am, after all, me.

Anyway, will be back when I've finished catching up on y'all. :)

friends, real life, birthdays

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