Restless Nights (Chapter 21) - NC-17 for this part

Jun 12, 2014 00:06

Title: Restless Nights
Author: apeygirl
Pairings: Chlark, some Chlavis
POV: Chloe, occasional Tess
Rating: NC-17 for this chapter
Warnings: angst, violence, some sex, some uncomfortable themes
Spoilers: Dealing directly with Doomsday at first, then going AU
Short summary: Chloe's attempt to escape with and subdue Davis has lasting consequences that threaten to tear lives and friendships apart.
In the end, it was just her, the only thing between the Beast and the world outside.
Thanks To: legendarytobes for her beta services and Bkwurm1 for the art.

Chapter note:

Well, I promised smut and I definitely intend to deliver in a big way. But our duo still has a few things to talk out first. I just want as little as possible unspoken between them before the first time.

But the smut shall take up the rest of this chapter and, I hope, make up for making you guys wait more than a month for it! (So sorry. It’s wedding season! I have NO time!)

Once again, some of this was done in HWGH and is being repurposed here.

Chapter in a nutshell: More arguing. Also full-on smut.

Full Chapter List

Chapter Twenty-One (new)

Reviews would be lovely. :)

chlark fic, fic, smallville, chlavis, fanfic, chlark, fandom

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