Oct 03, 2009 03:51
Seriously, I wish I could write when happy...
I feel like such a broken record on this topic. I mean, it's the same story, different names. As much info as I gave in conversation on the Bree situation tonight, it doesn't scratch the surface. Besides, it's really the type of thing that lends itself better to long one on one conversations and not snippets at a time in a group setting. Hopefully one of those long conversations happen soon, but those that I talk to about such things are dropping like flies. The person I discussed it with on the night it all happened hasn't proven to be the right person for the job. I wonder sometimes if it's because she has a sizeable crush on me (weird, I know) and finds it hard to listen to me talk about another crush, even though nothing would ever happen between she and I because of that whole religious barrier.
Speaking of things that I haven't scratched the surface on, she's another one. You could probably read the comments on my Facebook page and photos to see who/what I mean.
I've tried typing out a 'previously on' on both of them numerous times, but it's 3:39 a.m. and I am beyond exhausted. I guess the important thing to know is that she (in her words) goes "for people who I don't respect" and are completely wrong for her and she knows it. There are dozens of red flags and though I'm no longer pushing for something to happen between us as I once was, I would still like to talk to her about the crush on her. She won't have any of it, having glanced over it in a conversation from a few days ago and ending the conversation when I tiptoed into the water on the subject about a half hour ago. I discussed tonight how some people won't give you the resolution you need and am beginning to think that's the case here.
I have realized a number of things via this experience though including a deeper level of "my type" than I'd ever thought about before. I think this will take me a long way, though changing the type of people you're drawn to is easier said than done.