Aug 09, 2011 23:20
So sure, you have a favorite snack or beverage that seems like it will always be there no matter where you go. Don't fall for this deceptive thinking. Cracker Jack, which has been around for eons, is getting harder to find. The only place I found it was at Rosaurs grocery store. It is in the uppity part of town and is definitely overpriced. But, at least they cater to people who enjoy the hard-to-find merchandise-such as Cracker Jack.
Annoyance: ads are starting to intrude into MY private life more and more every day. I look at something and it suggests I buy this or that, recommends I try this or that, ugh. Even on the books I read, there are mini-adverts for books which I can purchase that are by the same author of the book I just finished reading. Meh.
Political: Okay, okay. I know, I don't give two shits for politics, but I must speak/write: Why the hell can't our leaders figure out something as simple as proper budgeting? Example:
Bob: Hey Ted, we're losing money, as a matter of fact, we OWE money. What can we do?
Ted: Well Bob, what are we doing with our money?
Bob: Gee Ted, I never really thought about it much, but we are buying lunch every day for the feuding black people across town, we're purchasing theme park tickets for all the less-fortunate minorities in the city, and we did buy that brand new yacht for our private lake vacation home...
Ted: Stop buying free-loaders food every day, let the minorities go without frivolities, and learn to live more frugal Bob.
If the government:
A) stopped spending money to deliver food to other countries(Somalia! Hello?!?! Fucking niggers), especially when there are many people in the U.S. who go without);
B) closed the borders and refused all aid to illegal immigrants & their families;
C) took huge paycuts (which wouldn't hurt them at all if their payroll was half of what if actually is)
THEN we would be saving a huge chunk of $$$$. There are so many things that the government does/funds that are OBVIOUSLY detrimental to the country, it pisses me off knowing a common person can figure it out yet these overpaid fluffer bitches in monkey suits are being paid money to think of more ways to spend!
I just try not to talk about it because it infuriates me to be a citizen of a country full of MORONS! I had to get that off my chest. grrrr....><
On the plus side, we can still grow gardens in our back yards (at least for now) to sustain ourselves.
Too bad other countries don't have the brains to figure out how to feed theirselves, huh?