i am very excited for school to start. i am kind of nervous though. i need to find a part time job so bad, i am completely broke. i will probably go to buffalo today and try to sell some stuff.
i wish my dad new how much he hurt my feelings, he probably knows. he is just to stubborn to apologize to me. if i bring it up to him it will turn in to drama, so i will just let it sting quietly until it stops hurting. i just want to be treated the same all the time, not just when its convenient to treat me like an adult.
yesterday Little Darling and i spent time making gold lamé dresses in our tiny little sweat shop. we wore them to the echo last night, we were like destiny's child but, we voted jared beyonce which meant that he is too much of a diva to wear a gold dress. i had alot of fun. sophie and steph and sera all were there too, it was so lovely. i am very proud of myself because i have never made anything wearable from scratch and i could not have done it without her help.