Dear fellow classmate...

Apr 13, 2007 11:49

Dear girl in I/O psych the wears ugg boots with short skirts:

That's super neato that your parents paid for that awesome trip over Spring Break.  It actually really is neat; my parents will probably never do anything like that for me.  But seriously try being a little more grateful.  The amount of money they dropped on that little trip of yours is probably the eqivalent to what my parents have given me my entire lifetime.  Seriously, I feel bad that your parents make you get a job "just because you need some sort of responsibility."  (Puh-lease!)  And did you really have to get up at 9am today?  Wow by 9 I had been up for 4 1/2 hours and already worked for 3.  I can't imagine!  You have it pretty nice; I'd love to be in your position but maybe try being a little more grateful??  It wouldn't hurt...

Dear S (I chose to not disclose her name at this time so I'll use first initial only..):

You don't even know my first name, yet you are willing to share your life story with me.  That really sucks that you lost your 8 page paper since you decided not to save any of it before the library did it's routine shut down at 3am.  I didn't know about that either so, ya, it sucks.  But saving periodically is ALWAYS a good idea with any paper, especially on a public computer.  Sorry :/  But I'd be careful with disclosing to everyone (well, you were just telling me but you know the whole class could hear you, right?) that you are on ritlalin and hadn't slept for 4 days.  Like, ritalin is good for people who need it.  Not students who take it to get them through paper writing, studying, etc.  You even told me how much you took.  Okay....I didn't ask.  And you met a new guy huh?  You made out and dry humped until 4 in the morning?  Wow.  I wonder if you'll let me know when it moves on to the for real humping.  I know when you have your period, I know what your roommate looks like when she dances drunk, I know how you did on the first two papers, I know you just broke up with your boyfriend of 2 years.  I can go on & on, yet you don't even know my name.  You're really nice and really pretty and even funny, but sometimes you might want to be a little careful about all the stuff you share.   Ya know, just an idea.

Dear older guy in writing:

I'm all for going back to school later in life.  I'd do it too.  That's all well and good.  But I question how well you listen.  You realize we're in an english/writng class right?  When the teacher is discussing how Bush presents his speech, he is NOT talking about the content of the speech.  There is difference.  Doesn't it make a little sense that we would be talking about how the speech was written, being in a writing clas?  It seems that way, so why would you raise your hand and say the speech was leaning toward a democratic viewpoint??  Seriously, why?  That's fine if you think that, save it for a political debate with your father in law.  Not this class.

Dear guy in Abnormal Psych:

I chose the seat right next to you because I wanted to sit in a left hand friendly seat.  Nothing more.  Don't flatter yourself.  And don't think that after talking to you for 5 minutes before the professor arrives that I'm going to fall in love with you and want to bump knees or whatever it was your were trying to do.  You're nice and all but I seriously only pick seats in that classroom because I want to make taking notes easier on me.

Dear hot boy in writing:

It's cool that you always say hi and ask how I'm doing and flash that amazing smile of yours.  You are awesome eye candy and really nice.  But I see that ring on your finger.  I have no clue what it means but after hearing that convo you had on your phone the other day, it pretty much sounds like you are taken.  So please stop flirting so much with me.  You have someone.  Don't give me false hope.

(And that goes for all guys with girlfirends:

More than once in the past few months, I have had more than one guy friend-and NO I will not name names-ask me to tell them dirty things over the internet all so they can get off and wish they were doing those things with their girlfriends, take pictures on my phone of my lady parts so they could see what they look like, or to maturbate in front of them because 'just doing that isn't bad.'  Seriously, boys with girlfriends, that's shady of you.  Not saying I'll do anything for you when you're single, but it really sucks hearing you want me to do something for you when you have a girlfriend that can do all that for you.....)

Dear boy in social psych & I/O psych:

That's cool that you have your own clothing company.  It's actually a pretty big deal.  I've seen people wearing it 'n all.  BUT you don't have to throw that out there every class session.  I get that I/O is about the work place but everytime you offer info you don't have to start with 'Well, I have a clothing company...'  All of us already know.  And don't tell the whole class before the teacher comes in on the day of a test that we will not be okay with a lecture before begining the exam.  Ya I hate that too, but, look, it's his class, if it's in the lesson plan to lecture before a test, then so be it.  Don't tell me that I have to tell our teacher otherwise.  Do you really think you have the authority to do that?  I really think that that's rude.

Dear group of kids in social psych:

I find it 100% rude that you talk through the whole class.  Remind me why you even show up...?  She's really soft spoken and, no, she won't yell at you to be quiet, but we're adults now, show some freaking respect.

Dear Sean, who I met at that camp I volunteered at in November:

You were really nice at the camp.  It was cool hanging out.  But everytime I see you on campus, I don't have time to stop and give you two hugs and to talk for 20 minutes about how you don't have a job.  You're nice; I like you.  But can we keep the whole talking and hugging thing to once every other week or something?  Sometimes I'm late to class, sometimes I have to pee, sometimes I want to talk to someone who wants to have a two sided conversation as opposed to a one sided one.  K?

To a majority of my fellow students:

I pay for school.  I want to be there.  I am going into debt because of it.  If you don't want to be there and don't want to learn, please don't go & get in the way of my attempts to learn.  Pretty please??


Ha ya just wanted to get some thoughts written down about some fellow classmates.  I know there are people there who have their parents helping with everything, that genuinely want to be there.  But there are those that take advantage of that and are so ungrateful and it gets to me!  Just wanted to write about some things I've
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