[For Lystra]"Islands and cities I have looked Here I saw "

Jul 16, 2012 23:07

The day after Easter, Cobb is back to work, setting up the PASIV device on a table in a corner of the main room, putting in a flask of Somnacin, priming it, and preparing for a run with a potential new student. On another table is a model of a somewhat rambling castle, made from artist's foam board, burlap, slips of wood and a dozen other things he's kluged from the attic and various cupboards. He's hinted to Lystra that he can build whole cities in a dream and he's agreed to show her just what he does.

He's wondering how she's going to react to his "potions" as it were, and the device that administers them. One step at a time: he was leery of needles the first time that he dream-shared.

Title nicked from "Intro" by The Xx. Back-dated to the day after Easter. Private to Lystra, but I maaay be open-posting this guy soon.

Also, happy 2nd anniversary of the release of "Inception"!

who: lystra, !closed post

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