Aug 13, 2006 19:57
I was talking to my dad today about various things; Wilmington, my aunt, my grandparents, artists, liberals, conservatives, conspiracy theories, schedules, almonds, a lot of things.
At the end of an hour and half, he told me that I had the most warped, negative outlook on life and people he'd ever heard.
Which brings me to the topic at hand: I'm afraid that I'm becoming very misanthropic. Every day something seems to happen- someone somewhere does something that disappoints me- and I lose a little faith in everyone. And the fact that I'm such a total failure myself only really proves my situation further. However, this is not an anti-humanity mallgoth rant or something-- I'm worried.
I don't like thinking like this, but I am slowly becoming convinced in a lack of compassion/empathy in the human race, a lack of intelligence, a lack of morals. People do shit just to test their own limits. Why can't we just coexist and fucking enjoy ourselves? Maybe I am just being southern here, or whatever bullshit people dismiss me as, but where the hell is common courtesy? Saying 'thank you', when someone needs ot be thanked? Being kind because you just are, not because you're told it's the right thing to do? Saying "I love you" when you mean it, not just to remind your "best friend ever!!!1!" that you still exist, dulling down the word till it reaches common status. But I digress.
SO MANY KIDS OUR AGE think it's goddamn hot shit to be a snobby hipster. To snub someone just because of the brand of cigarettes they smoke. To call/treat someone like a boring prude because they don't drink. I know way too many self-appointed scene queens/kings who don't talk to certain kids because of how they do their hair and decorate their myspace.
The pseudo-intellectual dipshits who draw their pretty pictures and write their deep stories and fucking sneer at the "less talented populus who has shunned me, the great, progressive, open-minded artist". Liberals who hate conservatives because the view society differently, conservatives who hate liberals for the same reason. Same goes for Christians and non-Christians. Just because you have different opinions doesn't mean you have to slander and hate and sling bullshit, this isn't fucking seventh grade. Especially liberals who think they are more open-minded than conservatives, because, to me, elitist/prideful thoughts are worse than conservatives/Christians who may just be stubborn about listening to new opinions. And on one tell me I'm just stereotyping, here, because I'm only speaknig from personal experience. Don't tell me to be optimistic, either, because I am, and I KNOW that I'm 'just being negative' with this. But I honestly am losing faith.
I just wish there was more genuity out there. More honest feelings, more honest compassion. Or at least less self-absorption, you know? Just a little less ingenuity.
People being nice because they want to, not because they need to.
I don't want to feel this way about everyone.
(And I know that at least one of you reading this is smirking to themself, thinking that my word choice is cheesy, or that I am "clearly just a hypocrite"- no shit, sherlock, I said people in general, which, unless I am an android, includes me too.)